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P��� 14 CON’T FROM PAGE 10 Around Town FOOD BANK The Quartzsite Food Bank is open Tues. and Thurs. from 8am –noon. The food bank is located on Moon Mountain, just north of the Senior Center Must have AZ ID and be from La Paz County to meet the income requirements. Donations are needed and can be dropped off dur- ing business hours. When shopping, just pick up a can or two extra to help others. HI JOLLY CEMETERY PLANT SALE The Hi Jolly Cemetery will be having a plant sale the 1st of October. They would like donations of plants in con- tainers to help with this sale. Plants in containers can be dropped off at the Quartzsite Bakery (across the street from the General Store). Please put these containers under the large tree beside the Bakery and they will be kept watered during the summer - giv- ing them a good start before October. The money raised will be used for a cover for the new Veterans area. Any Questions please call Dinice Ross, Hi Jolly Cemetery 927-6593 Mondays or Tuesdays. ANNUAL TUBE FLOAT JUNE 4TH PARKER, AZ- The 34th Annual Parker ���.D�����M��������.��� LETTERS FROM PAGE 5 Tube Float is June 4, 2011. Grab some tubes, sunscreen and plenty of fluids to stay hydrated while floating down the famous “Parker Strip”. Cash prizes and trophies for big winners in many categories of “floaters”. The float starts at Patria Flats, Hwy 95 at Golf Course Drive, left at the stop sign (Riverside Drive). Patria Flats is located just a bit south on the right. “Let it Ride” down to the beautiful BlueWater Resort & Casino’s River’s Edge Cantina for cool things to drink and yummy things to eat! The cost is just $15 per floater. This year’s shirts are going to be awesome. The first 300 people to pre-register will get a goody-bag with cool stuff from local sponsors and the shirt. The first 1000 to register will get the shirt. This is a fundraiser for the Parker Area Chamber of Commerce. For more information please call 928 669-2174 or visit for the of- ficial rules, prize list and printable reg- istration form. You may pay by credit card this year! HelpÊProtectÊYourÊHomeÊandÊFamily FREE Home Security System! AÊhomeÊisÊburglarizedÊeveryÊ9.1Êseconds,Êdon’tÊletÊyoursÊbeÊtheÊnext! $850 Value! At no cost to you for parts and activation with only a $99 installation fee and the purchase of alarm monitoring services. Terms & Conditions below. 24/7 PROTECTION only $35.99/mo. Get up to a 20% DISCOUNT on home owner’s insurance! FREE wireless remote control with PANIC BUTTON! Call Now and Help Protect Your Family! 1-888-482-8459 Mon-Fri 8am - 11pm - Sat 9am- 8pm - Sun 10am - 6pm EST Mon-Fri 8am - 11pm - Sat 9am- 8pm - Sun 10am - 6pm EST $99.00 Customer Installation Charge. 36-Month Monitoring Agreement required at $35.99 per month ($1,295.64). Form of payment must be by credit card or electronic charge to your checking or savings account. Offer applies to homeowners only. Local permit fees may be required. Satisfactory credit history required. Certain restrictions may apply. Offer valid for new ADT Authorized Dealer customers only and not on purchases from ADT Security Services, Inc. Other rate plans available. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Licenses: AL-10-1104, AZ-ROC217517, CA-ACO6320, CT-ELC.0193944-L5, DE-07-212, FL-EC13003427, EC13003401, GA-LVA205395, IA-AC-0036, ID-39131, IL-127.001042, IN-City of Indianapolis: 93294, KY-City of Louisville: 483, LA-F1082, MA-1355C, MD-107-1375, Baltimore County: 1375, Calvert County: ABL00625, Caroline County: 1157, Cecil County: 541-L, Charles County: 804, Dorchester County: 764, Frederick County: F0424, Harford County: 3541, Montgomery County: 1276, Prince George’s County: 685, Queen Anne’s County: L156, St. Mary’s County: LV2039R, Talbot County: L674, Wicomico County: 2017, Worcester County: L1013, MI-3601205773, MN-TS01807, MO-City of St. Louis: CC354, St. Louis County: 47738, MS-15007958, MT-247, NC-25310-SP-LV, 1622-CSA, NE-14451, NJ-34BF00021800, NM-353366, NV-68518, City of Las Vegas: B14-00075-6-121756, C11-11262-L-121756, NY-Licensed by the N.Y.S. Department of State UID#12000286451, OH-53891446, City of Cincinnati: AC86, OK-1048, OR-170997, Pennsylvania Home Improvement Contractor Registration Number: PA22999, RI-3428, SC-BAC5630, TN-C1164, C1520, TX-B13734, UT-6422596-6501, VA-115120, VT-ES-2382, WA-602588694/PROTEYH934RS, WI-City of Milwaukee: 0001697, WV-042433, WY-LV-G-21499. For full list of licenses visit our website Protect Your Home – 3750 Priority Way South Dr., Ste 200, Indianapolis, IN 46240. http://ovc.ncjrs.gove/ncvrw2008/pdf/crime_clock_eng.pdf" Available two-way voice that allows you to instantly communicate with an ADT Security Specialist. FrontÊandÊBackÊDoorsÊProtected InfaredÊMotionÊDetectionÊSensor DigitalÊKeypadÊwithÊPolice,ÊFire,Ê Medical,ÊandÊEmergencyÊButtons WarningÊSiren ControlÊPanelÊwithÊBatteryÊBack-up LawnÊSignÊandÊWindowÊDecals INITIATIVE TO APPOINT MAYOR As some of you may have heard, Mi- chelle Lukkasson is collecting signa- tures for an initiative to revert back to having the position of Mayor appoint- ed by the council. At first glance it may seem that this would take the vote away from the people. I know at first glance that’s what I thought until I dug a little deeper. We would elect seven council members to represent us. From those seven, a mayor would then be appoint- ed for a two year term. What this does is put some checks and balances in place. Since the may- or would be appointed he can be re- moved without having to go through the lengthy and expensive process of a recall. He would still remain as a mem- ber of the council. This would help to ensure that the mayor is doing the job he was appointed to do. Quartzsite uses a council manage- ment type of government. Wikipedia states that the position of “mayor” present in this type of legislative body is a largely ceremonial title, and may be selected by the council from among its members or elected as an at-large council member with no executive functions. This means no one council member actually has any more or less right/responsibilities than any other. The one duty our mayor does have is to run the meetings. If we revert back to our former sys- tem of appointing a mayor this would TRAILER FOR SALE only $1500 Cactus Patch RV Park, Quartzsite, space 38 Call Frank at 928-927-6717 for more information READER’S OASIS BOOKS 690 E. Main - Quartzsite (one block east of Family Dollar) 928-927-6551 J��� 1, 2011 ensure that whoever is in that role is acting in the best interest of the com- munity and that the council as a whole is working together. If a mayor were to start acting ” power hungry” or trying to run over the other six individuals that we selected to run our govern- ment, the council would appoint a dif- ferent mayor from within the council I believe that this actually gives us as in- dividuals more of a voice at the poles. Don’t just take my word for it. Please research this yourself. However, if you do agree, please stop by Main Street Eatery and sign this initiative. Monica Timberlake, Quartzsite QUEEN OF HEARTS inspirational for townfolk of all ages! “Work is love made visible.” Kahlil Gibran Oh what webs we weave When we work with love The sweat from those who Built our beautiful walkway The sweeping motions Of a store owner’s broom The bottomless cup of Coffee at our local Eatery People of Quartzsite, Groomed to Serve It’s plain to see why Snowbirds keep coming Back by the tens of thousands We must be doing something right!!! Queen of Hearts Publishing Hygeia Halfmoon, Quartzsite