Desert Messenger

May 18, 2011

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WED. MAY 18, 2011 Vol. 7 Issue #131 N�� O�����! QUARTZSITE, AZ- Just prior to the regular meeting of the Quartzsite Town Council on Tuesday, May 10, 2011, Mayor Ed Foster was arrested, cited and released on charges per- taining to a May 5th incident involving the arrest of Jennifer “Jade” Jones. Foster was charged with three Misdemeanor Charges: 1) Disorderly Conduct – Fighting/ Violent/Disruptive, 2) Disorderly Conduct – Refuse to Disperse at Emergency, and 3) photo by Starr BearCat Mayor Ed Foster was elected to offi ce May 18, 2010 Hindering Prosecution 2nd Degree. One Felony Charge, Obstructing Criminal Investigations, was sent to La Paz County Attorney’s Offi ce for review, who evidently refused to prosecute, saying the charge was politically motivated. According to Quartzsite Police Department reports, on May 5th, Foster arrived on the scene of a “high profi le drug investigation” taking place near the QPD’s holding cell, in the employee parking lot located behind Town Hall. “Quartzsite’s FREE Community Paper” Quartzsite Mayor Ed Foster arrested Jennifer “Jade” Harris-Jones was already on the scene locked inside her vehicle, allegedy refusing to obey police orders. According to Quartzsite Police Chief Jeff Gilbert, Foster was “warned several times” not to interfere. Gil- bert states, “He became threatening by yelling that he was my ‘boss’ and the ‘Mayor’ and that he was demanding an explanation.” As Jones was being arrested for the third time in six months, (see page 17) she alleg- edly threw her keys towards Foster, who ac- cording to the report, “ran and stepped on the keys in an attempt to keep [Gilbert] from getting them. [Gilbert] then had to physically pry his foot off of them to retrieve them.” Ac- cording to Gilbert, Foster drove away from the scene before being cited. After the arrest on Tuesday evening, Foster proceeded to lead the Town Council meeting that night. A hearing has been set for June 8th at the Town Magistrate Court, however Foster has requested a change of venue. Community Fun Day at the Park planned for May 28th QUARTZSITE, AZ - Last fall, a resident stood up at a council meeting and reminded folks of long gone community gatherings at the park after the winter visitors left. This sparked the revival of a party in the park! The Arizona Centennial Committee of Quartz- site is hosting a Community Fun Day at the Park on Saturday, May 28th beginning at 4pm. So bring the whole family for a wonderful time at the park. Besides having food, a beer garden, music, and a water slide, vendors are encour- aged to set up their wares. The Quartzsite Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition will be cooking up a barbecue chick- en plate, First Assembly of God will provide a delicious meal, Rotary will be selling raffl e tick- ets, AZ Centennial will host a Penny Auction to raise funds for the Food Bank and more! The Quartzsite Hoosegow will also be there to raise funds for the AZ Centennial’s Lasting Legacy Project. Come join your neighbors and gather at the park on Saturday, May 28th be- ginning at 4pm. MAIN ST. EATERY NOW OPEN FOR DINNER Thurs. Fri. & Sat. 4-7pm FISH FRIDAYS! PRIME RIB SATURDAYS! COMMUNITY OUTREACH SOCIAL WED. 6-8PM Showers $6 Quartzsite Youth VOTE TODAY & everyday! http://www.refresheverything. com/dreams-of-art (see story on page ) What’s Inside 2 Editorial 4 Letters to Editor 6 Voices from the Past 10 Around Town 14 15 Restaurants 16 Church Directory 17 QPD Arrest Report 20 Puzzles 21 Astrology 23 Classifi eds Watch the latest council meeting videos at user/qwatchingeyes MAIN ST. LAUNDROMAT Full Service Laundry! Pick up & Delivery! The “Coolest” Laundromat in town! OPEN YEAR-ROUND! ~ 205 E. Main St. Quartzsite ~ 928-308-0011 for FREE! Open Daily 6AM Open 6AM- 2PM SMOOTHIES

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