Desert Messenger

April 02, 2014

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6 Editorial 7 Letters to Editor 11 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 15 Adventures w/Rocks 15 Restaurants 16 Voices from the Past 17 Arrest Report 18 Churches 20 Puzzles 21 Astrology 22 Classifi eds 22 Paul Winer Comic WHAT'S INSIDE • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 Wednesday, APRIL 2 ND , 2014 VOL. 10 # 193 N�� �� ��� 10 t h YEAR! N�� �� ��� N�� �� ��� 10 10 Alwa y s FREE! WE ACCEPT �����| S������ �� D����� M�������� Gabe Marcurio returns home from Afghanistan By Joanne Winer Quartzsite, AZ - Operation Hero Comfort received a very spe- cial gift from one of their "adopted" units which included local Army Reservist MP Gabe Marcurio, who had been deployed last spring to Afghanistan, and just returned after 8 months of being at Camp Phoenix in Kabul. Gabe and his twin brother Josh graduated from high school and started college in Phoenix, and had both joined the Army Reserves while going to school. Gabe was called up fi rst to be de- ployed, and ended up in Afghanistan. He came back just a few weeks ago, stopping off at a base in Texas before coming home to Quartzsite. Gabe's twin brother Josh just got deployed a few weeks ago, and luckily for them, he also had to go fi rst to a base in Texas before leaving for Guantanemo Bay, Cuba for his tour. They managed to meet up for a few days before being separated again for another 8 months. Their parents, Ernie and Melissa Marcurio, are so glad to have Gabe back, and are now awaiting the time when Josh will be back again too. Both worked at the General Store in Quartzsite for a few years while still going to school, and the store had a huge banner hanging over the porch welcoming Gabe back. Gabe, along with his mother and a friend, came to the warehouse where we do packages to send to the troops over in harm's way every other week. He was dressed in his fatigues and sure looked much more fi lled out than he did last time we saw him. Guess that happens to all of our brave young men and women who dedi- cate themselves to their efforts for our country-- they all change a little from their experiences. Gabe brought back a gift from his unit and presented it to Anita Carlson, myself and Joe Winslow, three of the volunteers of Operation Hero Comfort, in thanks for the packages and support of their unit--we share this honor with everyone who has donated items to send over, and who has helped Operation Hero Comfort raise funds to send the packages out. The handmade frame and box held a folded U.S. fl ag that had fl own over their camp, and reads: This is to certify that the accompanying American Flag was fl own in the face of the en- emy over the United States military compound of Camp Phoenix Kabul Afghanistan by the Offi cers, NCO's and Soldiers of the 56th Military Police Company during Operation Enduring Freedom on 22 January 2014 in honor of Op- eration Hero Comfort for their support of the Soldiers of the United States Army--dedicated by Specialist Gabriel Marcurio" and was signed by his commanding offi cer and platoon leader. What a great surprise!! It is so good to know that the work we do to help support their efforts is appreciated by them--it gives us a wonderful feeling and we all had a few tears in our eyes after getting such a special gift, especially from someone we know. Welcome Home, Gabe--so glad you are safely back and will soon be back in college--and we all send Josh our best wishes for a successful and safe deployment as well and hope he will be back soon!! Photo Above Left to Right: Joanne Winer, Gabe Marcurio, Anita Carlson, Joe Winslow

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