Desert Messenger

March 16, 2011

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M���� 16, 2011 WHAT IS A TRANSPONDER (CHIP) KEY? In the Mid 1990’s the Auto Industry started to install the electronic keys at the request of the Insurance Com- panies in the High End Cars such as Mercedes, BMW, etc. Over the years American car dealers have caught up with the Insurance Company request. An ECM in the Steering Column reads the Electronic Chip in the Key head. When the correct key is inserted the ECM tells the Fuel Pump or in some cases the Starter to turn on. Most of these keys are programmed through the OBP Port under the dash. At fi rst only the Car Dealers were able to do this service, in some cases your car had to be towed to the dealer to be programmed. Now these Diagnostic Tools are avail- able to Locksmiths. Not only can we create a new key that has been lost, we can now make a Duplicate copy from your existing key. If you are traveling I recommend that you not only have a spare working key. You should contact your dealer and get the KEY CODE Number in some cases you will also need the PIN number (Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep). This information is necessary to make a key if you loose all your keys. These codes and pin numbers are not avail- able after hour’s or weekends. Keep in mind that the cost of creating a new key for your car is very expensive. See ad on page 6 for C & B Lock and Key. Betty Crenshaw is a Certifi ed Master Locksmith and lives in Quartz- site from Oct. 1 til May 15. Betty was ���.D�����M��������.��� part owner of The Lock Shop of Chey- enne for over 20 years and has been a fi rm believer of ongoing education in the Locksmithing fi eld. The industry is changing every day with new technology. In the summer months she spends her time going to classes and fi shing. NEWS FROM THE UNIT Salvation Army The month of February was busy for us; we helped 17 families, 7 single women and 23 single men. They were helped with rent, electric bills, food, propane and fuel for doctors visits and get out of town. All of this is done with the proceeds from our thrift store and donations from local people. Our mini store is open; our cheerful volunteers are here to help and receive your items for donations. We thank our many helpers and our winter visitors for their support. With- out all of you we would have a hard time making life easier for the needy. We are now accepting donations and doing our charity work from our new location, 101 S. Moon Mt., Quartzsite, across from Isaiah 58 Project Temporary hours are 9am-1pm Mon. thru Sat. Our new mini store is now open while we wait for the construc- tion of our brand new building. We still need and are accepting your donations so we may continue to help our local people. For more information, contact Salva- tion Army at 928-927-3636. Kathy’s Headhunter “The Best Little Hairhouse” in Quartzsite! 511 E. Main Street, Quartzsite Across from Beall’s Cuts - Styles Perms - Colors Walk-ins Stylists: Kathy, Wilma, Linda Early Appointments 928-927-3543 Closing March 31st! for a great season! Thanks Kym Scott, of Tyson Wells Show- grounds, is putting together a cook- book. Proceeds from the sale will benefi t the playground at Town Park. Recipes have been gathered from ven- dors and campers during the winter season. Residents and visitors are be- ing asked to submit their favorite reci- pes for this fundraiser. Pick up submission forms at Tyson SEEKING RECIPES WE‛RE NOW ONLINE! Stay up to date with what‛s happening in Quartzsite, while your traveling! Wells Offi ce, located at 121 W. Kuehn, Quartzsite between 9am -5pm. Dead- line for submissions is March 31, 2011. For more information, call 928-927-6364. Sign up for VIP alerts when the next E-edition of the Desert Messenger is available Take an extra 2% savings each day *2% OFF each day thru March. (March 17 x 2= 34% OFF) SALE! WATCHES BATTERIES BLACK HILLS GOLD SAME LOCATION! Tyson Wells space #11 AVIS & DICK CASSEM - 602-390-1613 MARCHing FORTH SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO! SOCK-IT-TO-ME Take an extra 2% savings each day (March 17 x 2 = 34% OFF) * Stock up now! ... even socks! 54% 56% 58% 60% 62% 40% 42% 44% 46% 48% 50% 52% 32% 34% 36% 38% Closed... see ya in November! Hurry in! *while supplies last! TYSON WELLS CENTRE FRONT ROW 800-565-7593 P��� 7 March 2011

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