Desert Messenger

March 16, 2011

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M���� 16, 2011 ���.D�����M��������.��� by Barbara Lee Perceptions Astrological © 2011 Barbara Lee Aries: March 21 to April 19- “I AM”. You will be right on target today with the up and coming Full Moon this Sat- urday March 19, 2011. Energies will be intense and running high, your lesson will be to come face to face with who you really are and not what you think others want you to be. This is a good time to recreate yourself if you don’t like what you see in the mirror. Taurus: April 20 to May 20- “I Have” This Spring is a brilliant time to put your roots down deeper into the earth. Completing home projects that were started a year ago now are needing to be fi nished. Take care of the loose ends in your life so you can walk freely into new areas of development, in this way you can bypass feeling overwhelmed. Gemini: May 21 to June 20- “I Think” Now that everything is on the up and Now that the days will be getting warmer you will have a greater chance of love and romance, since your work load will become lighter as well. What is most important for you now is to make time for creative endeavors. Children will also be demanding quite a bit of your time, you will be expected to communicate on a different level that what you have been used to. Face the fear of intimacy and move freely into the future. Cancer: June 21 to July 22- “I Feel” Your life lesson this Spring is to con- front whatever lesson is needed to learn in the arena of relationships. If you are not in a relationship then you will be driven to fi nd one, just don’t settle for second best. If you are in a relationship then you will be driven to give it 150 percent. You will also real- ize that it will be half your creation. Enjoy what you create!! Leo: July 23 to August 22- “I Will”. You may be feeling in a bit of a whirl- wind lately. Things may feel a bit out of your control, like a sinking feeling with no one there to hand you a rope. You are at a cross roads now, what choices you make now will lay the founda- tion for the next seven years. Have the back bone to walk your talk and speak your truth. If you don’t take charge of your life, the Universe will and it may feel like getting tossed and turned in a wave. So become one with the ocean and ride the wave of fi nancial success. Virgo: August 23 to Sept. 22- “I Analyze” Yes you are very strong, you are used to making it on your own, but now you have to learn how to be a team player. Shared resources is a big issue for you. You not only have to learn how to give but you have to learn how to receive as well. You have been in your comfort zone too long and now it is time to live outside of the lines Libra: Sept. 23 to Oct. 22/23- “I Balance” Now is not the time to be lazy, this is the time to forge ahead with any plans for your fi nancial future. Whatever you do, do it honestly because if there are any secrets they will not stay secret for long. Everything always comes up to the surface, Make your choices wisely and you will be protected. Scorpio: Oct. 23 to Nov. 21/22- “I Transform” Luck is still on your side with transiting Jupiter in Aries. This is a time for you to gain status and grow your reputation and fame. You will become known for what you do and who you are, choose wisely because the spot light will be all over you. Career advancement of any kind will be followed by your positive approach to life and it will show like a sunbeam through the clouds. Sagittarius: Nov. 22 to Dec. 21- “I Perceive” Within a few more months you will continue to purge everything in your life that is not for your highest and greatest good. Your belief system will evolve and change as well as your most heart felt dreams and goals. You will be a changed person once the transit is over. You will be better than ever, no worries. Get rid of worry and create your life by intention! Capricorn: Dec. 22 to Jan. 19- “I Use” If you fi nd yourself feeling moody or insecure and shy, this is a time to re- charge your batteries by walking in nature or getting a massage. You must fi nd a good book to curl up with so you can crawl back inside yourself for re- newal. Come the Vernal Equinox on March 20th in Aries you will be ready to greet the world restored, rejuvenat- ed and ready to celebrate life! Aquarius: Jan. 20 to Feb. 19- “I Know” With Transiting Neptune in Aquarius, the world you live in is your own. You are very aware of your emotions as well as everyone else’s, and sometimes it may be diffi cult to realize what is yours and what is someone else’s feel- ings. Your senses are heightened with a great desire for profound and deep spiritual growth. Being in Nature will keep you grounded. Pisces:Feb. 19 to March 22- “I Believe” In your ability to let go of what is not working any longer, you are able to break boundaries in the areas of wor- thiness, confi dence, and self worth. In your realization that you are more than your things, you have come to re- P��� 29 alize the value of human relationships over having things. You have come to a nice balance. Just know that your life is in divine order. Barbara Lee has studied metaphysics since 1974, she is a Clairvoyant, Tarot Reader, a professional Astrologer, Yoga Instructor, Reiki Master Teacher, Refl exologist and a Licensed Massage Practitioner (WA state License and Nationally certifi ed), and works with a Chiropractor. Barbara has been writing Horoscope columns since 1994 and does psychic phone consultations for people from all over the world, and can read your Akashic records. She has also appeared on National Television and has had her own Radio show. She is in Private practice and enjoys helping people with her body mind spirit therapies. She teaches Reiki all over the northwest with her husband Charles DeLorenzo. Visit the website, www.intuitiverefl P.O.BOX 3427 Post Falls ID 83877, or call 208-773-7822. Email: Quartzsite Radio KBUX 94.3 FM • Quartzsite’s Favorite “CLASSIC HITS” • Local Information • Weather • 24 Hours Day / 7 Days Week! 928-927-5111 First locally-owned and operated music station in Quartzsite, Arizona. Proudly serving the communities of Quartzsite, Bouse, Brenda, Rainbow Acres, La Paz Valley and beyond, since 1988.

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