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M���� 16, 2011 ���.D�����M��������.��� Voters trust cities/towns most with taxpayer dollars Statewide Poll: Strong Support for Protecting Vital City Services Phoenix, AZ - A recent statewide poll shows Arizonans overwhelmingly trust local elected offi cials to use taxpayer money in the most effective manner, and they consider their mayors and council members the most fi scally responsible among all layers of government. The survey was done by veteran Tuc- son pollster Margaret Kenski, who has worked with U.S. Sen. Jon Kyl and dozens of candidates and statewide is- sues over the years. It revealed that: • By a 2-1 margin, Arizona voters are more confi dent that cities and towns do the best job among all levels of gov- ernment in Arizona when it comes to balancing their budgets. • A strong majority, more than 65 per- cent, supports protecting the state’s longtime voter-approved shared reve- nue system that guarantees 15 percent of state income taxes are shared with Arizona cities and towns. • And an overwhelming majority of voters ranked city services like police, fi re and emergency protection, as well as maintaining streets and roads as critical. • Cities and towns are seen as the eco- nomic engine which generate revenue, create jobs and maintain quality of life across Arizona. “This poll confi rms what we already know very well: local governments are the closest to the people, they provide essential and cost-effective services, and are most responsive to their resi- dents,” said Tucson Mayor Bob Walk- up, President of the League of Arizona Cities of Towns, which commissioned the poll. Mesa Mayor Scott Smith, a member of the League’s Executive Committee said, “Cities and towns play a vital role in recruiting and retaining high-pay- ing companies that create jobs. We must protect the vital services that lo- cal governments provide, which not only enhance a community’s quality of life but improve its economic pros- pects.” The poll sampled 500 high-effi cacy Arizona voters and had a margin of er- ror of plus or minus 4 percent. It was conducted from Jan. 4-13, 2011. The League of Arizona Cities and Towns is a voluntary association of all the 91 incorporated cities and towns in the state of Arizona. It provides policy and legislative advocacy, information and inquiry services, along with pub- lications and educational programs to strengthen the quality and effi ciency of municipal government. It was founded in 1937 to serve the interests of cities and towns and to preserve the princi- ples of home rule and local determina- tion. For more information, visit www. SNOWBIRDS: Before you leave town think of lightening your RV by donating excess food to the Quartzsite Food Bank. They’re open Tuesday and Thursday mornings 8-noon. Stop by the Food Bank on Moon Moun- tain Rd., just north of the Senior Center. Don’t leave those cans of food to explode in the heat! Give to the needy! DAY NIGHT SHADES REPAIRED 3 YEAR UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE Local Resident • FREE Estimates Larry - cell 928-273-3719 P��� 21 Fire Station Church Changing Hearts...Changing Lives Through Worshipping God & Serving Others • Sunday: SERVICE TIMES: • Thursday: Christian Education 9am Worship 10:30am Evening Worship 7pm • Wednesday: Women’s Bible Study - 10am Bible Study 7pm 12 Steps to Freedom 7pm • Friday: Discipleship Class 10 am Grow in your relationship with God 665 W. Tyson Street, Quartzsite Pastor Bruce Swart 928-927-5808 Factory Chords!