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M���� 16, 2011 Save the date: Dec. 29, 30, 31 Quartzsite Improvement Association (QIA) presents The fi rst annual Antique Engine and Tractor Show, Swap Meet & Yard Sale Dec. 29, 30 & 31, 2011 9am-3pm • Antique Engine Displays & Demon- strations • Tractor Show & Daily Parade • Tractor Drive thru Town (weather permitting) • Antique Automobile Display Wel- come Spectator fee: $2 donation (no mem- bership required) Free Parking All exhibitors must be QIA members ($5/person $10/family) Rental tables available. Food & bev- erages available on show grounds. Exhibitors space will be provided for parking transport vehicle, dry camp- ing. RV Parks & Hotels/Motels avail- able in the area To register or information, contact “Quartzsite Charlie” 928-927-8334 or email QIA – 235 E. Ironwood Ave., PO Box 881, Quartzsite, AZ 85346 Attorney General Tom Horne Announces TASA - Taskforce Against Senior Abuse PHOENIX - Attorney General Tom Horne is pleased to announce the forma- tion of the Attorney General Taskforce Against Senior Abuse (TASA) as an inte- gral part of the Public Advocacy Division of the Attorney General’s Offi ce. This is a reorganization and does not involve adding expense to the taxpayer. Attorney General Tom Horne is com- mitted to making elder abuse aware- ness, prevention and prosecution a priority. “Our seniors need to feel safe and secure in their homes. The Attor- ney General’s Offi ce is aware of the vulnerability of these citizens and is working to make sure older Arizonans are not victimized.” The Attorney General’s Taskforce will work closely with other law en- forcement offi ces, state and local agen- cies and senior-focused groups to as- sure an aggressive investigative and prosecutorial presence in the State. The Attorney General will convene an Advisory Panel to facilitate close coop- eration with these offi ces and groups. These agencies and individuals are in the community on a daily basis and oftentimes are the fi rst-responders in abusive situations. They are eyes and ���.D�����M��������.��� ears of the community. The Advisory Panel will bring together the ideas and resources of these community groups to combat elder abuse statewide. TASA will provide statewide civil and criminal prosecution of elder abuse, neglect, exploitation and scams that target seniors. A key component of the Taskforce is the creation of an intra-of- fi ce liaison with the Offi ce’s Criminal, Consumer Protection, Medicaid Fraud and Community Outreach Sections to prioritize elder abuse awareness, prevention and prosecution. Attorney General Horne’s Offi ce also initiated a dedicated telephone number through which the public, other city and county law enforcement agencies, caregivers or family members can report abusive predators who fail to carry out their responsibilities. “The vast majority of elder abuse cas- es are not reported to authorities. The dedicated number provides an avenue through which any suspected abuse or fraudulent activities can be reported and handled by the appropriate au- thorities” Horne noted. The Taskforce Against Senior Abuse dedicated phone number is (602) 542- 2124 or citizens may also email TASA at AWC is now accepting Fire Academy Applications YUMA, AZ — Arizona Western College Public Safety Institute is now accept- ing applications for their upcoming Fire Academy. Applications are avail- able at the AWC Main Campus in HS 107. The deadline for applications is May 2, 2011. All students who pass the applica- tion process will do a physical agility test on May 14th and 15th. All qualifi ed students for this program are required to take the HazMat and the First Re- sponder classes this summer. The Fire Academy 1 will start August 11th, 2011. Fire Academy 2 will start January 12, 2012. The Public Safety Institute offi ce is open Monday through Thursday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. For more infor- mation, please call the Public Safety Institute at (928) 317-6452. WE‛RE NOW ONLINE! Sign up for VIP alerts when the next E-edition of the Desert Messenger is available OPEN Mon.-Fri. 8am-6pm Sat. 8am-7pm Sun. 9am-4pm P��� 19 FREEWAY IN QUARTZSITE! TIRE NOW OPEN 1077 W. Main St. Quartzsite 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL NEW TIRE PURCHASES! Available 24/7!! Mobile Vehicle & Tire Repair Service In-House Transmission Shop 90 Days Same as Cash! Gift Certificates • FREE AIR! FREE COFFEE! Stop in and Say Hello! • FREE Krispy Kreme donuts on Wednesday mornings (till gone) Air Check! Our Mechanics Work on • CAT • Cummins • Detroit Diesel Engines CALL 928-927-5219 “State or local taxes or surcharges for environmental protection will be an extra charge.” FREE of Mechanics! AUTO, RV, Compliment Full MOTORCOACH SEMI EXPERT RV REPAIR Eagle, GMC, Van Hool, MCI, Prevost