Desert Messenger

March 16, 2011

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M���� 16, 2011  HERO FROM PAGE 12 speaks the truth, every time we have mail it is like Christmas. Thank you so much again, Mrs. Carlson, for everything that you do for us. We are very grate- ful and I have shown my commanding offi cer/fl ight your letter and he was moved by your words. I will let you know when to expect a new point of contact so that you can keep your chain of communication going to the new team that will replace us. Thanks again, I hope that you, your family and friends are doing well.. Isabel Contreras, SMSgt, USAF (she is is Manas, Kkyrgyz Republic) This letter was so special that Anita wanted to share it with everyone who has supported Operation Hero Comfort by donating items to be sent to the troops or helping with the postage through the fund- raisers. For more information regarding Operation Hero Comfort, please call Anita at 927-4292. ���.D�����M��������.��� Applications Available for Upcoming Law Enforcement Training Academy YUMA, AZ —Arizona Western College is now accept- ing applications for their upcoming Law Enforce- ment Training Academy that begins August 11, 2011 and runs two semesters. Applications are available at the AWC Main Campus in HS 107. The applica- tion deadline is May 2, 2011. The Public Safety Institute offi ce is open Monday through Thursday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. For more information, please call the Public Safety In- stitute at (928) 317-6452. To Donate $10 to American Red Cross. Text “REDCROSS” to 90999 Pray for Japan IF YOU HAVEN’T BEEN TO AL’S YOU HAVEN’T BEEN TO QUARTZSITE! OPEN 7 am to 2 pm Gift Shop & Restaurant Breakfast & Lunch NO GIMMICKS! Just Great Food! 60 W. Main Street, Quartzsite (next to the Post Office) 928-927-4000 Palo Verde Cafe & Lounge Great American Food • OPEN 11AM - 8 DAILY! Wed. Spaghetti $ Lunch Specials 499 starts at 11am Mon-Fri. - 11am-2pm $599 PRIME RIB SAT. 4-CLOSE 305 N. Central (Hwy. 95) 928-927-7676 HAND-SCOOPED ICE CREAM Cones, Shakes, Malts, Sundaes, More! QUARTZSITE’S FAVORITE Kettle Corn & Theatre Popcorn AT MAIN EVENT WEST NEXT TO THE LIQUIDATORS X Famous Gourmet Pizza Daily Lunch Specials $ 575 • Full Service Bar Nightly Specials KARAOKE w/ Suzie Q Thurs. Fri. Sat. 7pm POOL TOURNAMENT Wed. 7pm 2 HAPPY HOURS: $1 DRAFT 175 W. Main St. 10am-noon & 3:30pm-5:30pm Kitchen Open 10am-10pm 928-927-5585 Serving Quartsite at Same Location for over 20 years! Dorothy & Toto’s Ice Cream Shoppe & MOUNTAIN AG’s Consumer Protection Tom Horne Announces Start of Consumer Protection Week PHOENIX - Attorney General Tom Horne announc- es the start of Arizona Consumer Protection Week, a week dedicated to helping Arizonans become in- formed consumers. Every day this week, AG Horne will highlight an issue to protect the consumer. Horne is also announcing the Attorney General Taskforce Against Senior Abuse (TASA). TASA will provide statewide civil and criminal prosecution of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation and scams that target seniors. TASA has a dedicated phone line (602) 542-2124 or email To launch the week, the Public Advocacy Division of the Attorney General’s offi ce has provided a list of General Consumer Tips:  SEE CONSUMERS ON PAGE 21 P��� 13 - Daily Specials! - Homecooked Food! - Saturday Night Prime Rib! QUAIL CAFE CALL IN FOR TAKE OUT! HOURS: Open 7am - 7pm 490 N. Moon Mt. Rd., Quartzsite (corner of Moon Mt. & Quail Trail) EASY TO FIND: Quail Trail N B-10, Main St. 928-927-8890 Moon Mountain Rd. Hwy. 95, N. Central

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