Desert Messenger

March 16, 2011

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P��� 2 Donate $10 to American Red Cross. Text “REDCROSS” to 90999 to make a $10 donation. Coping With Loss Coping With Loss Adult Grief Support Every Tuesday 5:30-6:30 pm 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month 2:30-3:30 pm Refreshments Provided Located at: Alliance Church Fellowship Hall 665 W. Tyson, Quartzsite, AZ Open to the Community! Questions? Call Toll Free 1-888-854-5024 Life’s Most Important Journey” Open Mon.-Fri. Sat. by appt. 735 W. Cowell, Quartzsite Beth Evans and Janna Richardson formerly of Desert Rose Salon Sandy, Sheryl, Judy and Debbie, we are pleased to have FULL SERVICE HAIR CARE Along with stylists Jo is also back for nails and pedicures. at Cactus Curlers Salon. 928-927-5400 DERMATOLOGY NOW OPEN IN QUARTZSITE! Mohs Surgery Surgical Treatment of Skin Cancer 375 N. Joshua Ave. Quartzsite, AZ 85346 Dr. Gerardo C. Brual,M.D. Jocelyn Ramos NP-C 928-916-7898 “Your Trusted Partner on Located at Parker Public Library 1000 Navajo Ave. Parker, Arizona (Enter right of main door by bike rack) Refreshments Provided OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY! Recycle your empty inket cartridges and used cell phones! Help raise funds for the local Arizona Centennial celebration! DROP OFF LOCATIONS: • Horizon Community Bank • Quartzsite Library • Senior Center • General Store • Business Chamber Sponsored by Proud Neighbors of Quartzsite Serving Quartzsite and Surrounding Areas Adult Grief Support ���.D�����M��������.��� DESERT MESSENGER IS A PROUD MEMBER OF Let your heart feel for the afflictions and distress of everyone, and let your hand give in proportion to your purse. ~ George Washington Just as many of you have spent the Recycle... it all adds up! past few days glued to the television and the news coming out of Japan, I too, have watched the ever-changing horrifi c scenes of the devastation of our relatives in Japan. We are all related, as human beings, no matter the color of our skin, or nationality. Please read the information on page 11 about how to text your donations to valid charities helping the people of this tragic disaster. The heartache of those who are suf- fering hits close to home, as Quartzsite Town Council Member Jerry Lukkas- son’s daughter is now working in Ja- pan. He received a phone call around 3:00am from his daughter, saying she is fi ne. She has chosen to stay in Japan to help rather than leave for the states. This level of sadness overshadows Quartzsite’s volotile political scene. However, hopefully, we can all learn from how people in Tokyo have handled the distaster with profound dignity. Imagine if the those who did not win in the recent election congratulated those who did and asked them how everyone can to work together for the betterment of the town? Imagine if anger was replaced with respect? Imagine if we were all in a disaster such as Japan is experiencing, how will we all work together? In my last editorial, I mentioned the many prophesies telling we are living in changing times. We are all being af- fected by what is happening around the world, in one way or another. M���� 16, 2011 Editorial BY SHANANA “RAIN” GOLDEN-BEAR Imagine if we came together as a whole community to plan for the future of Quartzsite. Imagine Quartzsite faces a will we respond? Will we be as dignifi ed as those we watch in Japan? Will we reach out to those we dis- agree with to help? Or will we be selfi sh and only help those in our “group”? I suggest the next meeting of the town council address these concerns with re- spect for those who disagree with them about political issues. The survival of our community depends on us coming together in a good way. When crisis happens, sometimes we humans feel helpless. You can give $10 to the American Red Cross and know that you have helped. Please be mindful of scams during disasters. I survived the Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989, while living in Gilroy, Calif. Our wa- ter was out for several days, but neighbors helped us, sharing their precious water with my family. One of my customers died, and dealing with her grieving relatives while keeping other customers calm during an “earthquake swarm” was quite a learning experience. There is an old Native American saying that says “walk a mile in my moccasins and you will know my journey.” Imagine walking in the shoes of those in Japan right now. Open up your heart to those around you, for you never know the whole story of their lives. You never know the pain in their heart, while showing you a smile on their face. Please feel from your heart and give from your pocketbook. $10/month/ person=continued giving. Pray for Japan! D����� M�������� Founded by Walt Akin, October 1, 2004 Contributing Writer, Joanne Winer Quartzsite‛s FREE Community Paper Name Plate Lettering by Paul Winer PUBLISHED BY PILOT ROCK PUBLISHING CO. P.O. Box 3185, Quartzsite, AZ 85359 • E-mail: Published twice a month on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday, Sept. - May, 1st Wed. in June, July & August Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Desert Messenger. Shanana “Rain” Golden-Bear, Publisher Copyright © 2011 541-218-2560 Contributing Photographer, Starr BearCat

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