Desert Messenger

March 05, 2014

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6 Editorial 9 Letters to Editor 16 Restaurants 17 Around Town 21 Voices from the Past 22 Adventures w/Rocks 23 Rotary Doings 24 Golf 25 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 29 Salome High 30 Churches 31 Arrest Report 35 Astrology 36 Puzzles 37 Classifi eds 38 Paul Winer Comic WHAT'S INSIDE • " Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 Wednesday, MARCH 5 TH , 2014 VOL. 10 # 191 N�� �� ��� 10 t h YEAR! N�� �� ��� N�� �� ��� 10 10 Alwa y s FREE! 25 Traveling with Gypsy Jane �����| S������ R��� G�����-B��� The GRAND Gathering set for March 6 th -9 th SEE GRANDS PAGE 26 WE ACCEPT �����| S���� B���C�� By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear Quartzsite, AZ - The morning rain didn't damper the spirit of those wait- ing to greet 90 year-old Ernie Andrus as he came into Quartzsite, Saturday, March 01, 2014. Veterans Bob "Gunny" St. Germain and Carlos Cano accom- panied him into town. Ernie starting by touching the Pacifi c Ocean near San Diego, CA, on October 7th, 2013 and will touch the Atlantic Ocean near Brunswick, GA two to four years later. Ernie is running across America to raise money to send LST 325 to Nor- mandy next year for the D-Day anni- versary. Ernie was one of the crew that "Running is my best medicine," he said. "It will take me years to make it to the Atlantic Ocean, and if my calculations are correct I'll be 94." Ernie said, "I welcome any run- ners who would like to join me on any leg of my journey." Any runners wishing to make a tax deductible donation, please make checks pay- able to the "USS LST Ship Memo- rial". Anyone wishing to sponsor him please make checks payable to "Coast to Coast Runs". Come meet Ernie at the AVTT Vietnam Me- morial Wall March 6-9, at Desert Gardens Showgrounds. 90 year-old Ernie Andrus runs into town with vets brought the LST 325 back from the Isle of Crete, Greece to the US in 2000-2001 as aired on the History Channel as "The Return of LST 325." 1,051 LSTs were built during World War II. The LST 325 is the only one left that has been restored and is still operational. The ship operated in the North Africa area and participated in the invasions at Gela, Sicily and Salerno, Italy. On June 6, 1944, LST-325 was part of the largest armada in history by participating in the Normandy Landings at Omaha Beach. Ernie plans to take his time, running several miles a day. Ernie is also mourn- ing the loss of his wife, who died last fall. Quartzsite, AZ - The Grand Gathering is a brand new exciting four-day event planned for March 6th – 9th, 2014 in Quartzsite, Arizona. The GRAND Gathering is a joint venture of Quartzsite's (QIA) and Proud Neighbors of Quartzsite (PNQ), both dedicated to the betterment of the Community of Quartzsite and the region. In true community spirit, cooperation between the Town of Quartzsite administration and many local organizations are producing an exceptional event for the community and visitors alike with four full days of GRAND fun, entertainment and town-wide events. Events are geared for GRAND Parents and Great GRANDS and their families to create memorable moments together. The American Veterans Traveling Tribute (AVTT) Vietnam Wall comes to Desert Gardens Show Grounds to coincide with the events during The GRAND Gathering. The AVTT Traveling Wall will arrive in Quartzsite on Wednesday, March 5th. Public viewing of the wall will be available 24 hours a day after the initial set-up on the morning of Thursday, March 6th through the afternoon on Sunday, March 9th. At 360 feet in length, the AVTT Wall is the largest traveling replica of the original Vietnam Memorial Wall located in Washington, D.C. It is an 80 percent scale reproduction which stands eight feet tall at its apex and does not leave out a single name featured on the original memori- al wall. For more information visit Thursday events include a Library Book Sale, Exercise Class, Crafts Painting Social, Line Dancing with Vernine Adkins. Rex Allen Jr. performs at the QIA, 2pm. Tickets are $15. Rex was inducted into the Arizona Music and Entertainment Hall of

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