Desert Messenger

February 05, 2014

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6 Editorial 12 Adventures w/Rocks 13 Around Town 16 Restaurants 20 Voices from the Past 22 Golf 27 Nearby 33 Rotary Doings 34 Salome High 36 Churches 37 Arrest Report 38 Rockin' in Quartzsite MAP 40 Music Jams 40 Happy Ads 43 Horoscopes 44 Puzzles 45 Classifi eds 46 Paul Winer Comic WHAT'S INSIDE • " Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 Wednesday, FEB. 5 TH , 2014 VOL. 10 # 189 N�� �� ��� 10 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! Fun Events planned in February WE ACCEPT Quartzsite in January is the busiest time of year, however, the month of February offers wonderful events for visitors and residents. As they say, "If you're bored in Quartzsite, it's your own fault!" Here's a taste of some of the events scheduled for the month. DESERT FLYERS ANNUAL FLY-IN The Quartzsite Desert Flyers, the local radio controlled model aircraft fl ying club, will be holding their 3rd Annual Fun Fly on Thurs- day February 6th 2014. Learn more on Page 4 of this edition. QUILT SHOW: Quartzsite Quilters host their incredible annual Quilt Show on February 7 & 8 at the Quartzsite Senior Center, 40 Moon Mountain Road; Doors open at 9:00 AM both days; Doors close at 4:00PM Friday and 3:00PM Saturday. $2.00 donation at the door. For more information see Page 18. DESERT BLOOM RALLY: The 2014 Desert Bloom Rally, one of the premier off road ral- lies in the county, will take place over Presi- dent's Day weekend (February 14th-16th) in Quartzite. See details on Page 28. GOLD, TREASURE AND CRAFT SHOW will be February 14, 15, 16, 2014 at the Quartzsite Improvement Assoc. (QIA) building. Read all the details on Page 3. 17TH QUARTZSITE MASTERS: VFW Post 769 hosts their fundraiser Quartzsite's Royal & An- cient Golf and Country Club on February 15th. Entry fee includes Bar-B-Que Chicken Hind Quarters and Fixin's Beverages and a Pocketed T-Shirt & Play 18 Holes from Hell. See info on Page 18. GARDEN PARTY: Monday, February 24th at noon is a new event for the ladies at the Senior Center. This fundraiser for Cancer research is hosted by VFW Ladies Auxilliary Post 769. For more details see Page 34. Participants will make and decorate adorable hats and show them off in the Parade of Hats. SOUTHWESTERN ROUNDUP ART SHOW will be held the weekend of February 28th and March 1st at Mountain Quail RV Park. Learn more on Page 5. Be sure to read all the events scattered through- out this edition. Happy Valentine's Day, too! Photo provided by Quartzsite Desert Flyers - Feb. 2012 Happy VALENTINE'S DAY

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