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43 ����� | ����� ������ | S������ �� D����� M�������� Rainbow Acres Tourney #2 By Linda Taylor What a gorgeous day for golf! Not a cloud in the sky as balls flew through the air for Rainbow Acres second tournament of the season. Scores indicate just how competitive things can get. First place was garnered by Bud Key and Jerry Taylor as they shot an 18 hole score of 36 thanks to Bud's tremendous day chipping the ball. Second place was won by Gary McGowan and Bill Toner as they teamed well for a score of 38. Third place with a score of 40 were three teams. Those teams were Harvey Gibson & Bruce Scott, Larry Jensen & Jake Boyce, and Mike Stegeman & Joe McWilliams. The men's long driver was Russ Leininger, while Debi Jensen won women's long drive. Closest to the pin was won for men by Jerry Taylor and for women by Linda Taylor. We look forward to playing once again before DRY CAMPING $6/night Christmas on Dec. 19 at 9:30 at the Dump & Water $12 Rainbow Acres Golf Course. All golfers In the rear of Silly Al's Bar are invited to enjoy a round of golf for Ask for Mike $6, make new friends, and enjoy coffee and cookies. If you are lucky, you might even get your picture in the next article about tourney #3! D & B Leather PHOTO: Tournament #2 Winners (ABOVE left to right) Winners back row: Tom Chopski, Joe McWilliams, Bruce Scott, Bud Key, Harvey Gibson, Gary McGowan, Jerry Taylor, Jake Boyce, Bill Toner Front row: Dean Harrington, Mike Stegeman, Russ Leininger, Debi Jensen, Larry Jensen Leather as low as 50¢/ft! 5,000 sq. ft. upholstery 3-4 oz brown! 5 diesel loads Garment Leather! BERTHA IS BACK! Belts & Buckles Scrap Hides $2.00/lb. Two Big Locations QUARTZSITE, AZ Main St. and Tyson Wash (behind Dorothy & Toto Ice Cream) Open 7 days/week Nov. - mid-March 928-927-4077 BROAD ACRES SWAP MEET - LAS VEGAS, NV 2930 N. Las Vegas Blvd. (corner of Pecos) Every Sat. & Sun. 2013 - 2014 Show Schedule QUARTZSITE December 18, 2013 TYSON WELLS MARKET SQUARE Oct 1, 2013 - March 30, 2014 QUARTZSITE SHOWGROUNDS Oct. 1, 2013 - April 31, 2014 Annual RICE RANCH "Yawl Come" SHOW Nov 1, 2013 - Feb 28, 2014 MAIN STREET TRADERS OPEN YEAR ROUND Nov 1, 2013 - Feb 28, 2014 HI ALI SWAPMEET Nov 1, 2013 - Mar 28, 2014 MARKET PLACE SHOWGROUNDS Nov 1, 2013 - Feb 28, 2014 PROSPECTOR'S PANORAMA Nov 1, 2013 - Feb 15, 2014 GREASEWOOD SWAP Nov. 1, 2013 - April 1 2014 AMERICAN INDIAN ARTS EXPO Dec. 13 - Jan. 21 Quartzsite Showgrounds Main St. OPERATION HERO COMFORT SILENT AUCTION Dec. 14, 2013 10th ANNUAL CHRISTMAS LIGHT PARADE Dec. 7, 2013 SANTA'S WORKSHOP ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 2013 Tyson Wells Showgrounds ANTIQUE ENGINE & TRACTOR SHOW & SALE Dec. 28 - 29, 2013 QIA DESERT GARDENS ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL GEM, MINERAL & JEWELRY SHOW Jan. 1 - Feb. 28, 2014 23ND ANNUAL HI JOLLY DAZE PARADE TBA TYSON WELLS ROCK & GEM SHOW Jan. 3 - Jan. 12, 2014 QUARTZSITE ART GUILD SHOW Jan. 10 - 11, 2014 Senior Center THE MAIN EVENT Jan. 11 - Jan. 26, 2014 TYSON WELLS SELL-A-RAMA Jan. 17 - Jan. 26, 2014 BIG TENT SPORTS, VACATION & R.V. SHOW Jan. 18 - Jan. 26, 2014 45TH ANNUAL Q I. A. POW WOW Jan. 22 - Jan. 26, 2014 TYSON WELLS ARTS & CRAFTS FAIR Jan. 29 - Feb. 9, 2014 QUARTZSITE FLYERS RC FLY-IN, TOWN PARK Feb. 6, 2014 QUARTZSITE QUILTERS QUILT SHOW Feb. 7 & 8, 2014 Senior Center GOLD, TREASURE & CRAFT SHOW, QIA Feb. 14-16, 2014 DESERT BLOOM RALLY February 14- 16, 2014 QUARTZSITE MASTERS TUFF GOLF Feb. 15, 2014 THE GRAND GATHERING MARCH 6-9, 2014 Four Days of fun! • AVTT Traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall March 6-9 • Music, GRAND Bingo, & more at QIA & Senior Center • Senior Fair March 8, Town Park • Rockin' in Quartzsite Rock Auction March 8 Town Park Buffalo, Elk, Deer, Goat Furs New Zealand Sheep Skins, Tooling Ladigo Provided by the Desert MESSENGER Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper For Mail Order Call: 775-751-5351 Email: 928-916-4235