Desert Messenger

December 18, 2013

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40 TROLLEY FROM PAGE 1 Year's Day, from 8:20 a.m. to 5:20 p.m., with no service between 12:50 p.m. and 1:35 p.m. The trolley will pass by trolley stops every 45 minutes. Trolley Stop signs will be installed along the route. Visitors are encouraged to take the Trolley and park their vehicle at 3 Park & Ride locations: Quartzsite Town Park at Senter Street, N. Riggles & E. Main, and the Main Event. The 31-foot trolley vehicle was obtained through the Yuma County Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority (YCIPTA) at a rate of $1.00 per year. The trolley seats 20 with standees up to 30, has bicycle racks, and two wheelchair positions. Council approved a maximum obligation of $19,565 which staff reported would be supported by advertising sales and ridership fees. General fees are $2/person one way, $5/Day Pass, or $75 for a Seasonal Pass (available at Town Hall & Quartzsite Business Chamber of Commerce). John Andoh, YCIPTA Transit Director and Quartzsite Transit Planner, told Council "The program is a pilot project which, if successful, the Town would apply for a future grant." The YOU'RE INVITED GR AN D Gathering TO BE PART OF THE FUN ! 2014 Quartzsite, az 4 FULL Days of FUN! March 6 - 9 , 2014 th TOWN-WIDE EVENTS: Live Music by: Rex Allen Jr., Paul Winer Boogie Woogie Blues, and Harry Luge Band. GRAND JAMboree, Antique Car Show, Vendors, GRAND Bingos, 5K/10K Walk, Town-Wide Yard Sales, Beer Garden, AVTT Vietnam Traveling Wall & Much More! SENIOR FAIR SAT. MARCH 8 TH Passengers or interested parties with questions on this new service may call (928) 927-4333 or email For Quartzsite Trolley and Quartzsite Transit Services information and reservations call 928927-4333. Interested parties can also visit the Town online at www. PARADE FROM PAGE 1 Church Group went to Alliance Church, Best Youth Group was the new Girl Scout Troop #95, Best Antique Vehicle went to Debbie Kuntz, Best RV Park went to Park Place RV Park, Best ATV Group was Rainbow Acres, and Best Individual ATV went to Art and Becky Hastings. Special trophies for Best Lights went to the Q.I.A., Best Original went to the Alliance Church Pulse Group, and the overall Best Entry with the Travelling Trophy for one year went to the new Girl Scout Troop #95. The Quartzsite Business Chamber would like to thank everyone who came out to see the parade and braved the cold weather to help start out the Christmas spirit this year!!! They hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! Bouse Genealogy Bouse Genealogical Society Meetings are 9:30am-2:00pm every other Friday. Bring a bag lunch. Our goal is to have more time for sharing and learning. Everyone is welcome to join us. You do not need to be a member to attend. Regular meetings held at Bouse Community Building at 44031 E. Plomosa Rd., by Bouse Public Library. The Bouse Genealogical Society "Genealogy Study Group" (GSG) meets on the third Monday of the month in the Bouse Community Building. It is open to everyone who wishes to attend. Non-member attendance donation is $5/person per session. You must let the Bouse Genealogical Society know if you are planning to attend these meetings. A copy of the genealogy related article being analyzed and discussed will be emailed to you. Start planning now for the "Genies in the Desert" Workshop which will be hosted with the Lake Havasu City LDS Church on Feb. 22, 2014. The meeting schedule for the rest of the year is: 6 & 20 December 2013. For more information contact Bouse Genealogical Society, PO Box 624, Bouse, AZ 85325-0624 or Email © The World's Largest Gathering of GRAND Parents & Great GRAND Parents! th December 18, 2013 Quiet Times e ervic ax S F ies Cop rs Flye ations s in Lam ss Card e n s Busi ss Label re Add BIG SELECTIONS OF: Greeting Cards Shipping Supplies Office Supplies Mon-Fri 10 to 4 8 1/2 x 11 & 12 x 12 Pap Card er & s Enve tock lop SW G es ifts Drop off for UPS & FedEx Express 90 E. Main Street, Quartzsite • 928-927-8081

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