Desert Messenger

December 18, 2013

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December 18, 2013 37 After a week like yours, you need a church like ours! QPD Arrest Report The following arrests were made by Quartzsite Police Department Nov. 25 - Dec. 11, 2013 11/25: Courtney Rogers, age 27, from Quartzsite was cited and released for Criminal Trespass. 11/26: Nancy Lee, age 47, from Fort Mohave, AZ was cited and released for Mandatory Insurance Suspension. 11/26: Courtney Rogers, age 27, from Quartzsite was cited and released for Driving with a Suspended License. 11/27: David Massey, age 29, from Phoenix, AZ was cited and released for Excessive Speed. 11/27: Senait Tesfai, age 31, from Blythe, CA was cited and released for Excessive Speed. 11/28: Ryan Baran, age 28, from Highland, CA was cited and released for Attempted Possession of Marijuana and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. 11/29: Jerry Wilcox, age 64, from Quartzsite was arrested and booked into the La Paz County Jail for Assault and Threatening and Intimidating. 11/29: Matthew Creason, age 19, from Lake Havasu City, AZ was cited and released for Exceeding 85mph in a 65mph zone. 11/30: Victoria Vaughn, age 48, from Phoenix, AZ was cited and released for Excessive Speed. 12/1: Axel Contreras, age 20, from Fresno, CA was cited and released for Excessive Speed. 12/3: Roy Briggs, age 63, Transient, was cited and released for Threatening and Intimidating. 12/3: David Workman, age 60, from Quartzsite was arrested and booked into the La Paz County Jail for Theft of a Credit Card, Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card, Theft, and Resisting Arrest. 12/5: Charles Smith, age 21, from Quartzsite was arrested and booked into the La Paz County Jail for an Outstanding Warrant out of Quartzsite Magistrate Court. • • • • • • • BUYING Old Costume Jewelry Old Fountain Pens Silver & Gold Coins Sterling Silverware Gold Filled Jewelry Old Watches Gold & Silver Jewelry Any Condition • Gold Nuggets • Dental Gold Hi Ally Swap Meet ~ Front Row Main St., Quartzsite Changing Hearts.... Changing Lives... Through Worshiping God and Serving Others EVERYONE IS WELCOME! • Sunday: Christian Education 9am Worship 10:30am Evening Worship 6pm • Wednesday: Bible Study 6pm Church Fire Station For free ride to Church call (928) 927-5808 Community Bible Church "Come join our Family where the Love of Jesus is preached" Sunday Worship: 10am & 6pm Wednesday Service: 6pm 375 E Sunrise St. Quartzsite 928-927-5035 665 W. Tyson, Quartzsite, Arizona • 928-927-5808

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