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14 AROUND TOWN DEADLINE IS WED DEC. 25 for Jan. 1st edition Desert Messenger Email: Phone: 928-916-4235 ROCKS IN MY HEAD The World's Greatest Rock, Prospecting & Outdoor Education Company RICE RANCH SPACE A37 Quartzsite, AZ OPEN Nov. thru March GOLD, SILVER, BUY & SELL Unique Rocks & Fossils Cabs - Rough - Slabs AROUND TOWN FROM PAGE 11 JAN. 14 BENEFIT DINNER QIA will host a La Paz County Search & Rescue Benefit Pork Dinner on Jan. 14th at 5:30 pm at the Quartzsite Improvement Association Price is $7.50. Presale Dinner Tickets are at the QIA Office, 235 Ironwood St. from 9am-1pm. Special Belinda Gail Show following dinner - $6.00 SYKHAWK UPDATE Due to illness, we will not be performing this season. Thank you for all your support and "God willin' and the creeks don't rise" we will be back better than ever next season! We miss you all! METEORITES-PETRIFIED WOOD Dino Bone & Mammoth Ivory Animal Parts & Leather Native American Artifacts Jewelry - Supplies - Beads GOLD PROSPECTING ROCKHOUNDING - LAPIDARY New-Used-Parts-Supplies Books-Maps-Local Site Info CONSIGNMENTS - RENTALS CLASSES - DEMOS RJK CONSTRUCTION • • • • QUARTZSITE PROSPECTING T-Shirts, Totebags, & More! Outdoor & Emergency Supplies EQUIPMENT RENTAL Specializing in Unusual & Hard to Find Items 605-376-8754 No Job Too Small Commercial Residential Remodeling LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Call Roy and Bob 928-345-5616 AZ License #ROC 211721 Quartzsite Chiropractic $ 25 Adjustments Dr. Michael Cole, D.C. Providing Chiropractic Care to Quartzsite! DR. COLE IS BACK! at Quartzsite Medical Center Just west of Carl's Jr. on W. Main St. Hours: Friday 9am - 1pm & 2:30-5pm • Sat. 9-11 For more information call Dr. Michael Cole, D.C. 928-533-4588 December 18, 2013 DEC. 20 P & Z WORK SESSION The Planning and Zoning Commission have a scheduled work session on December 20, 2013 at 1 p.m. This is a public work session with participation from several small groups from the audience. A supplemental survey will be available to audience participants. Everyone will be invited to participate in the break out group discussions. Items will be discussed and ideas presented to the entire body in attendance. BAREFOOT & BOOTS SCHEDULE Wednesday Dec. 18 - QIA Friday Dec. 20 - Desert Gold RV Park Friday Dec. 27 - Q. Senior Center Saturday Dec 28 Salome Centennial Hall Tuesday Dec. 31 - Golden Roadrunner (Yuma AZ) GRANDPAS & GRANDMAS December, 2013 Schedule SAT 21 JR'S RV DANCE FRI 27 HOLIDAY PALMS SHOW TUES 31 WAGON WEST RV NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE January Schedule WED 1 JR'S RV SHOW FRI 3 DESERT GOLD DANCE FRI 10 HOLIDAY PALMS SHOW WED 15 JR'S RV SHOW SAT 18 HOLIDAY PALMS DANCE February Schedule SAT 1 JR'S RV DANCE FRI 7 HOLIDAY PALMS SHOW RAIL SPLITTERS December schedule for "The Rail Splitters". Yes, we are still playing for your dancing and listening. Have been some changes in members, but still providing great dance music. December dances as follows: Sat. Centennial Park, Salome. Dec. 19, Thurs. Park Place RV PK, Q. Dec. 21,Sat. Holiday Palms, Q. Dec. 31, New Year's Eve, Ehrenberg, private dance. AUL -H We sell U BOXES ON THE ROAD AGAIN December dances: Dec. 18: JR's RV Park 7-9 p.m. Dec. 20: Senior Center 7-10 p.m. Dec. 28: QIA 7-10 p.m. Dec. 31: Las Quintas Oasis RV Park (Yuma) 8pm-12:30am January: Jan. 3: Senior Center 7-10 p.m. Jan. 8: JR's RV Park 7-9 p.m. Jan. 11: JR's RV Park 7-9 p.m. Jan. 15: QIA 7-10 p.m. Jan. 17: Desert Gold (Brenda) 7-9 p.m. Jan. 25: JR's RV Park 7-9 p.m. Jan. 31: Senior Center 7-10 p.m. CACTUS DODGERS When you come to Quartzsite, you know there is a great many activities to choose from. If you have Square Danced or Round Danced in the past, or just new, or maybe just interested in learning, come join us Monday nights. The Cactus Dodgers Square and Round Dancers was started 1974 in Quartzsite, and is non-profit organization. Mark your calendar for Monday nights: Squares-7:00pm, Rounds between tips, Mainstream & Plus tips Dates - Caller - Cuers Dec. 23-Darrell Newell-Carolyn Cook Dec. 30-Dale Dockery-Dale Dockery Jan. 6, Bob Jones Jan. 20, Dale Dockery Dale Dockery Jan. 27, Dave Guiller Dance site: Quartzsite Improvement Association Bldg. (QIA) Address: 235 E. Ironwood Note: Free RV dry camping on the night of the Dance only. SQUARE DANCE WORKSHOP starting JAN 8th, every Wed 12:30pm til 2:30pm at the QIA BUILDING 235 E. Ironwood in Quartzsite. Must have had Mainstream lessons. Call for more information 559-593-6165. SEE AROUND TOWN PAGE 17 BEST AUTO RV & TRUCK REPAIR S ! ERVICE YOU CAN DEPEND ON 585 N. Central Quartzsite Open Mon-Fri 8-5 Johnny DelPino, Owner 928-927-8787