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FREE! WED. JAN. 5, 2011 Vol. 7 Issue #122 PLEASE TAKE ONE N�� O�����! What’s Inside Letters to Editor 2 4 8 12 Editorial Around Town Thoughtbuster 18-19 Restaurants 22 29 34 40 42 43 44 45 47 Voices from the Past Jams Church Directory Rock Art Map Puzzles Show Schedule Music in Quartzsite Astrology Classifieds vendors tents & • rumors • Did the Council vote to “outlaw” vendor tents? NO! At the regular Town of Quartzsite Council Meet- ing of December 28, 2010, Building Official Al John- son pulled the agenda item pertaining to tents in RV Parks. He said later that the text was too vague. “The intent was regarding camp- ing tents on Main Street. There’s a difference between membrane vendor tents and camping tents.”For more on this story see Page. 16. Q Mt. Refurbished for the AZ Centennial See Story on Page 3 Photo by Starr BearCat SOMETHING NEW AT THE PARADE THIS YEAR! Be sure to stick around for the end of the Hi Jolly Daze Parade, as “Parade Your Pets” will bring up the rear with a new addition. Edith Tews, of Tews RV Park, is organizing a pet parade “inside” the Hi Jolly Daze Pa- rade. Tews said, “It’s time to show off man’s best friend! ‘Rock’ your hound in the Hi Jolly Daze Parade!” Find the perfect pet costume and parade your pet and have some fun! Pet categories are: ATV, Bike and Walk- ing. Donations are greatly appreciated. All proceeds go to Arizona Centennial Committee of Quartzsite. Please sign up at Tews Date Palm RV Park, 1360 N Moon Mountain Ave. Quartzsite. For more information, call 928-927 -8929. MAIN STREET EATERY OPEN DAILY 6am-3pm “The Gathering Place of Quartzsite” Egg Strata, Waffles, Walking Taco, Brown Rice, w/Tofu, Vegies, or Chicken. Vienna Beef Hot Dogs, Burgers, More! Breakfast 6am-11am Lunch 11am-3pm 205 E. Main St.(Entry & Parking west of Main St. Laundromat) 928-308-0011 Michelle’s Famous Biscuits & Gravy Served All Day! Vegetarian Options! Quartzsite’s FREE Community Paper Annual Hi Jolly Daze Sat. Jan. 8 noon The 23rd Annual Hi Jolly Daze Parade will be held on Sat- urday, January 8, 2011 at noon. Proud Neighbors of Quartzsite (PNQ) in cooperation with the Town of Quartzsite and many local sponsors plan for a fun day beginning with the parade. The theme this year is “Quartzsite Rocks”. Enter your float, walk, dance, play your music, ride your bike, drive your car, or walk the dog, (there will be a “Pet Parade” within the parade), but bring the whole family and your friends for a fun time. The Hi Jolly Daze Parade and activities afterwards at Town Park brings locals and visitors together to celebrate our winter season and pay tribute to the man who made our area his home for fifty years. In the mid 1850’s Hadji Ali, better known as Hi Jolly, came with his camels to our desert area. He served the United States Army in an experiment to use the camels as beasts of burden. However, the camels were not compatible with the Army mules and the experiment was cancelled in 1864. But, Hi Jolly remained in our area until his death in 1902. In 1935 the Governor of Arizona dedicated a monument in his honor, at the site of his Quartzsite grave. This monument, known as “Hi Jolly’s Last Camp” is one of the most visited spots in Southwest Arizona. It is newly registered as a Historic Site. Quartzsite is still to this day one of the most visited spots in Arizona. The parade starts at 12:00 NOON, near the Fire Station on E. Tyson, heads east, then south on Plymouth ending up at Town Park where there will be lots of fun for the whole family. Quartzsite Fire Dept. and 1st Assembly of God will be provid- ing food, AZ Centennial will be selling souvenir hats and bags, Search ‘n Rescue, Rotary, Gem & Mineral Club, Salvation Army, Quartzsite Clowns, Paw Power, rock painting for the kids, Live Music by The Travelers and More! Parade Entry Forms may be picked up at: Quartzsite Business Chamber of Commerce, Town Hall and the Library. Drop off the Entry forms at Town Hall. Please turn in entries by Wednesday, January 5, 2011. Please call Quartzsite Town Hall for more in- formation at 928-927-4333. MAIN STREET LAUNDRY SERVICE, TOO! Pick up & Delivery LAUNDROMAT 205 E. Main St. (across from Roadrunner) 928-308-0011 NOW OPEN DAILY 6am-8pm Showers $6