Desert Messenger

December 1, 2010

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FREE! WED. DEC. 1, 2010 Vol. 7 Issue #120 PLEASE TAKE ONE N�� O�����! Scholars’ Academy STARS are Quartzsite State Champions! Submitted by Scholars’ Academy On Saturday, November 20, 2010, the STARS travelled to Phoenix, Arizona to play in the Charter Athletic Associa- tion (CAA) State Championship Football game against Scottsdale Prep Academy. The game had a tough start with tremendous de- fense and offense on both sides. Scholars’ had already played and beat Scottsdale once this season, so this game was redemption for Scottsdale and they were not go- ing to give it up easily. Dodging and breaking through seven defensive players, senior Miguel Maldonado made a 50- yard scoring run to tie up the game. The game went into over- time with a score of 24-24 at the end of the 4th quarter. Not just once, not twice, but triple over- time! Which was history mak- ing for the CAA. Everyone was on their feet during overtime as Scottsdale would score; Schol- ars’ would score also. Scottsdale would make the 2-point conver- sion, Scholars’ would too! Scholars’ won with the final 2-point conversion after mak- ing two touchdowns during overtime! The final score ended up Scholars’ - 40, Scottsdale - 38. Tears of joy and exhaustion rolled down the faces of the play- ers and coaches when the game finally ended. The CAA director, Randy Baum presented The Scholars’ Academy STARS with a beautiful trophy as the 2010 1A CAA State Football Champions! CAA also recognized the player of the year and that award was given to sophomore, #35 Austin Smith. Coach Marcus Dickson received the 2010 Coach of the Year award. The Scholars’ Academy would like to thank all of the parents and community members for their support of this year’s foot- ball season and of their school. Scholars’ ended this year’s sea- son undefeated as State Champi- ons and they are looking forward to another winning season next year. GO STARS! Photo by Yesenia Amador Jackson Christmas Light Parade this weekend Don’t forget to get some warm clothes on and come on out and enjoy the 8th annual Christmas Electric Light Parade this coming Saturday, Dec. 4th! The parade starts at Mesquite St. (just east of La Mesa RV) and goes east on Main Street to Plymouth Road, where it turns left and and goes north on Plymouth Rd. to Town Hall. There is still time to enter a float or decorated vehicle but MAIN STREET EATERY “The Gathering Place of Quartzsite” OPEN DAILY 6am-8pm Breakfast 6am-11am Egg Strata, Waffles, Walking Taco, Brown Rice, w/Tofu, Vegies, or Chicken. Vienna Beef Hot Dogs, Burgers, More! Vegetarian Options! Lunch/Dinner 11-close Daily Dinner Specials 205 E. Main St.(Entry & Parking west of Main St. Laundromat) 928-308-0011 Michelle’s Famous Biscuits & Gravy Served All Day! you must have your entries in by Thursday Dec. 2 to be included. Numbers for the entries will be given out at the Business Cham- ber office on Friday, Dec. 3 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. No entry will be allowed in without signing up and getting their number. Refreshments and awards will be given out at Town Hall after the parade. Get into the Christ- mas spirit and join in the fun!! MAIN STREET 2 What’s Inside 4 Editorial 8-9 12 13 Letters to Editor Around Town Thoughtbuster 18-19 Restaurants 22 24 26 32 33 34 35 37 39 Astrology Classifieds LAUNDRY SERVICE, TOO! Pick up & Delivery LAUNDROMAT Park here for Christmas Light Parade, Sat. Dec. 4! 205 E. Main St. (across from Roadrunner) 928-308-0011 Church Directory Rock Art Map Puzzles Christmas Lights Ballot Voices from the Past Scholars’ Journalism Christmas Lights Map Show Schedule Quartzsite’s FREE Community Paper NOW OPEN Open Daily 6am-6pm Showers $6

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