Desert Messenger

November 17, 2010

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P��� 16 Change and Challenges Submitted by Town Manger, Alex Taft During my days off, I received a call from the Planning and Zoning Department. They had a question regarding a long established business in Town where the building needed to have some renovation. I asked what was in the file for the property. The answer was “nothing – the file is empty”. According to the files the building on the property did not exist. No history, no paperwork; which means the property becomes a non-conforming use. The reason for this is the county itself. La Paz County was carved out of the north end of Yuma County. Most of the records for the older properties can be found in Yuma. Quartzsite was not incorporated until 1989, after La Paz County was formed. If you think this is ancient history, it’s not. Moon Mountain Road is a good example and so is ���.D�����M��������.��� Dome Rock Road of the ownership of land that sometimes requires search- ing Yuma records for an answer. The changes the owner wanted to make be- came a challenge we will work though so the renovation can occur. When La Paz County was formed, the new county did not have enough mon- ey to run itself and the state stepped in and helped the county. Since La Paz was the first county formed since Ari- zona statehood in 1912, the laws were such that the state was obligated to as- sist the new county because the new county tax base was inadequate. After La Paz County was formed state laws were made much tougher, making it difficult to split counties. This change was definitely a challenge. The residents of Quartzsite change Black Hills Gold Jewelry, Moun�ngs, Gems, Minerals, Southwest & How-to Books Open Daily 8-5 Sun. 9-4 AMERICAN INDIAN JEWELRY & POTTERY BEADS • FINDINGS JEWELRY 928-927-6381, Fax 928-927-4814 1250 W. Main, Quartzsite (across from McDonald’s) with every season. Yes, familiar faces return year after year, whether they are vendors or visitors and then some- thing happens in their lives and we don’t see them anymore. New people arrive, new vendors, residents and vis- itors. Sometimes people leave because Quartzsite “isn’t what it used to be.” That’s true. No place is what it used to be. That is why history is so important. Each community is unique, not be- N������� 17, 2010 cause of its restaurants or its shopping, but because of its character, formed by its cultural history and the people who lived here. The face of our town changes every year with new development, lot splits, new RV parks and renovation of old RV parks, renovating old buildings like the barracks, now the Salvation Army, the old Stuckey’s and the new Daniel’s Jerky Store and new Gem World, to name a few. Arizona Sun- Riders are working very hard with the Town, La Paz County and BLM to pre- serve our trails so residents and visi- tors now and in future generations can enjoy our beautiful desert. Their ef- forts will make a considerable impact on the BLM Travel Management Plans that will map our trails mark them and preserve them. Why is this necessary? Because so many people have discov- ered Quartzsite and come to enjoy the desert, we now have another example of change and challenge. With each passing year, growth oc- curs. How many people remember the old pink house on the northwest cor- ner of B 10 and Plymouth Ave.? With very little fanfare, that building was  SEE CHANGE ON PAGE 17 “ADDICTED TO DEALS” • Sterling Rings, Buy One, Get One FREE! WINDCHIMES, FAIRIES, DRAGONS, PORCELAIN , WIZARDS, DOLLS, CANDY, BOOKS, LEATHER, JEWELRY, CDs, DVDs, VHS, VITAMINS, & SO MUCH MORE!! VISIT OUR NEW STORE: ADDICTED TO DEALS, TOO! 1198 W. MAIN, FORMERLY GEM WORLD • All Religious Products, 50% OFF! • Paperbacks 99¢ or 6/$5 • All Dolls (Porcelain) 25% OFF! • Fish Oil (Omega 3) 120 softgels. Was $499 . Now 2/$499 ! • Airborne ($639 @ WalMart) Your Price at Addicted to Deals: $399 3/$10! • Greeting Cards, $1 ea. 6/$5 • B-12 $199 ea. 3/$499 or • B Complex $199 ea. 3/$499 • Vitamin “E” Natrol 12,000 IU’s Spray. Great for Dry skin, $999 Retail. Our Price $499 One Get One FREE! • Werther’s Sugar Free Candy 6 bags/$5 • All Urban Healing Vitamins, Buy One Get One FREE (same item) • Pure Emu Oil $499 each CELEBRATE OUR 20TH ANNIVERSARY DEALS! 1270 W. MAIN ST. (ACROSS FROM MCDONALD‛S) 928-927-DEAL (3325) ....NOW Buy • All Jewelry Findings, Buy One Get One Free (same item)

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