Desert Messenger

November 17, 2010

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N������� 17, 2010 Submitted by Joanne Jensen Aspiring, amateur and actively re- searching genealogists living along the Arizona Coast and surrounding com- munities have a unique opportunity to participate in a Genealogy Technology Seminar conducted by a nationally- known speaker. Geoff Rasmussen, the author of the highly-rated Legacy Family Tree Software, has accepted the invitation of the Bouse Arizona Genealogical Society and will appear at the Blue Water Casino in Parker on Friday, December 10th. Geoff holds a degree in Genealogy and Family History from Brigham Young University. The father of four budding genealogists, Geoff has served as Vice- President and director of the Utah Ge- nealogical Association. In addition to speaking internationally on genealogy technology, he is now conducting on- line webinars on the topic. A recent webinar conducted by Geoff drew interactive participants from 50 countries. He is the author of numer- ous books, articles and training videos. Geoff is known as a dynamic, humor- ous speaker who likes to interact with his audience. He regularly reviews major genealogical software programs and is well-known as a major authority on technology as used by genealogists. Seminar topics are: 1) Research Guidance: GenSmarts, Family Search, and Legacy. Need re- search help? Call on these research assistants 24/7. Learn how software and websites can give you professional research advice and tips. 2) Mapping your Ancestors Electron- ically: Using software and the inter- net. Learn about AniMap, Centennia, D����� M�������� Bouse Genealogy Seminar, Dec. 10 Map My Family Tree, Parish Locator Program and all the best mapping web sites. 3) Insider’s Guide to Legacy Fam- ily Tree: Tips & Tricks. Get a more in-depth look into Legacy: tagging, custom reports, little known tips, and much more. 4) 12 Step Checklist to using your Genealogy Computer Program. Get research done faster by using these lesser-known features in your geneal- ogy computer program. Advanced registration is $25 for members and $30 for non-members received no later than December 1, 2010. At-the-door registration is $30 for members and $35 for non-mem- bers. Lunch is not included. Howev- er, there is a buffet restaurant on site. Door prizes will be awarded through- out the day. Seminar sign-in will begin at 8:30 AM, with the programs set to begin at 9:00 AM. The seminar will close at 4:00 PM. The Blue Water Casino is located on Arizona Highway 95, just north of Parker’s business district. Those who wish overnight accommo- dations may call 928-669-7000. For a registration form and questions e-mail or write to: Bouse Genealogical Society, PO Box 624, Bouse, AZ 85325-0624. Desert Messenger E-Edition NOW ONLINE @ Next Cruise In on Sat. Nov. 20 hosting another Cruise In on Nov. 20th starting at 7 p.m. Everyone is invited to come on over to the station next Saturday night for another great evening of fun while looking over some of the most beautiful antique, vintage and classic vehicles in the area. There will be door prizes, as well as The Q-Check Shell Station will be P��� 15 It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.” - John Wooden C & B LOCK & KEY 33 YEARS EXPERIENCE 50 cent hot dogs, fountain drinks and ice cream cups and 79 cent slush pup- pies for everyone to enjoy! HAM RADIO Amateur Radio Bible Net 145.600 MHZ 8:00 AM Every Day Except Sunday Open to all HAMS Please check in with us. 928-927-6589 Mobile Service Only Available Now TRANSPONDER AUTO KEYS (Electronic chip keys) Jeep, Chrysler, Ford Chevrolet, Toyota & many more! Betty Crenshaw, Owner Pattie’s RV Park OPEN YEAR-ROUND! LARGE LOTS! 455 E. Main St., Quartzsite ~ Walk to shopping! Benefiting Quartzsite’s No Kill Animal Shelter Check out the newly remodeled gift shop & boutique with new designer jewelry! 455 E. Main St. Quartzsite Open 7 days 9-2 951-764-6072 - Propane Sales - Open 7days/week • 7am-5pm ~ Laundromat ~ RO Water ~ Thrift Shop ~ Propane 928-927-4223 Pets & Children Welcome! Animal Refuge Thrift Shop

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