Desert Messenger

November 3, 2010

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N������� 3, 2010  LETTERS FROM PAGE 4 PAW POWER THANKS YOU! We, here at the Animal Shelter, would like to thank the community of Quartzsite for ALL of the contributions that have been coming in. There are a few special ones we would like to mention because of their heartfelt dedications. One of these donations came to us in memory of her sister, Agnes Knight, who loved animals. Another, thanks to the late Sunny Shackleford, Grand Dog; he will be greatly missed. Although we are not accepting any cats at this time, we are full. We have cats, kittens and puppies coming out our ears. Our greatest need is dry kitten food, wet cat food (Friskies, no fish), puppy food, wet dog food and cat litter (scoopable). We are also accepting any dollar donations. We have a costly project of building a landing and ramp to the office area that meets A.D.A. (American Disabilities Act), so we can invite anybody with a wheel chair or motorized cart to come and volunteer in the office or to look for a pet companion. All money donations can be sent to Willpower, Inc. at P.O. Box 3035, Quartzsite, AZ 85359. Please make a note that it is for Paw Power Animal Shelter, and it will get to us. Thank you, Patty Patton, Animal Shelter Chairperson ZUMBA FITNESS! LOVE IT! Thank you for taking the first Zum- ba Fitness Ò class in Quartzsite. I am thrilled you joined us and love teach- ing all of you. Zumba FitnessÒ recom- mends that you take 3 classes a week if possible. All classes with the excep- tion of at the college are a “drop in” ba- sis. You pay $3.00 a class. I will have punch cards so you may purchase one of those if you don’t want the hassle of paying each time you come. A little helpful info to help you un- derstand the charges at the college. ���.D�����M��������.��� The college gives credit for the Zumba classes so if you are working towards a degree you get ½ a credit. The tuition is figured on AZ fulltime residents $30 and if you are a AZ fulltime resident over age 60 then the cost is $25.50. If you are seasonal then the cost is $33 for under 60 and $28.50 for over 60. If you have an AZ ID (from Parker DOT - they are free) you can use that for proof of residence but it must be over a year old. Next time you are in Parker stop and pick one up and you can use it for classes for next year. Friday, Nov. 5th, Arizona Western College (AWC) is having an Open House, 3-7 and we will be doing a dem- onstration of what Zumba FitnessÒ is. If you can come on out and dance, en- joy the free food and celebrate with the college we will do our demonstration at 5:00. Thanks much, Zumba Jan Stivers, Quartzsit A THANK YOU TO VOLUNTEER ROBBIE ROBERTSON Robbie first volunteered for the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission in April of 2006. In 2008 he became chairman of the commission until 2010, when he resigned. Robbie has volunteered countless hours as a member of the commission, as do all the other com- missioners. The volunteer municipal boards and committees serve a very important function to advise the Council. All of the citizens who give of their time to sit on these boards are giving valuable DEADLINE for the Nov. 17TH Desert Messenger is WED. NOV. 10th 541-218-2560 or NOW ONLINE at For Sale by Owner 12 X 37 PARK MODEL On Deeded Lot in Q Mt. Estates. 10x36 Carport, enclosed porch covered patio, two storage sheds, citrus. 628 Emerald Drive. $66,000. 775-530-4212. Collectibles Minerals Beads Findings Jewelry Art 4 X BIGGER! 4 X MORE! New Product Arriving Daily! Open 7 days/week 9am-6pm Gem World 1330 W 626-922-1258. MAIN ST., QUARTZSITE, AZ 85346 insight to the many concerns and is- sues the Town Council must consider. The Planning and Zoning Commission was one of the first boards formed by the Town government when Quartz- site became a town. There are many boards: Hi Jolly Cemetery Board, the Health and De- velopment Services Board, Park and Recreation Board, the Municipal Utili- ties Action Committee, the Arizona Centennial Committee, the Board of Adjustments, Library Board, Munici- pal Property Corporation Board, to name some of them. P��� 5 To all the board members, past pres- ent and future, “Thank you” because you are giving something that is in- valuable and that is your time and con- sideration. After a two year absence, Doug Ross returns to the Planning and Zoning commission who, like Robbie has vol- unteered so much to help the commu- nity. Alex Taft Quartzsite Town Manager  SEE LETTERS ON PAGE 22 COUPON SWEET DARLENE’S RESTAURANT & BAKERY Buy Two (2) Dinners & Two (2) Sodas or Ice Tea & get $ 500 OFF The price of your meal! 776 E. MAIN ST., QUARTZSITE (at the I-10 Exit 19 off ramp) 928-927-9338 Valid Sun-Thur. Not valid on to-go orders. Expires 11/18/10 With coupon ONLY We‛ve moved! NOW OPEN 1330 w. main quartzsite at the Red Camel

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