Desert Messenger

November 3, 2010

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P��� 26 Character Groups By Cody Johnson There are six character groups in the school. The character groups are Fairness, Respect, Citizenship, Trust- worthy, Caring, and Responsibility. The definition for Fairness is “Free from bias, Dishonesty, or Injustice: A Fair Decision; A fair judge.” The definition for Respect is “Es- teem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something con- sidered as a manifestation personal quality or ability: I have great respect for her judgment.” The definition for Citizenship is “The character of an individual viewed as a member of society; be- havior in terms of the duties, obliga- tions, and functions of a citizen: An award for good citizenship.” The Definition for Trustworthy is “Deserving of trust or confidence; dependable; reliable. The Definition for Caring is “Feeling or showing care and compassion: A caring attitude.” The Definition for Responsibility is “The state or fact of being responsible. For school we have spirit week, and whoever participates in these events, get points for their group. Whatever Character Group has the most points at the end of the year gets to go on a field trip. Spirit Week is somewhat of a manifestation of a bunch of charac- ter group contests in one school week. Whoever participates receives one point towards their Character Group. This year’s Spirit Week was prelude to Homecoming. The events for spirit week are on Monday is’ Crazy Hair Day/ Pajama Day’, The second day is ‘Hobo Day’, The third day is ‘Opposite Sex Day/ Nerd Day’, and on Thursday its ‘Jersey Day’. Our Character Groups aren’t like our classes we have different people from different grades in our Charac- ter Groups because Mr. McClenning wanted us to have more friends to talk to other older and younger people. READER’S OASIS BOOKS 690 E. Main - Quartzsite (one block east of Family Dollar) 928-927-6551 DENTURES $350 Full Set • US Military trained w/ 30 plus years experience • Satisfaction Guaranteed! • Partials starting at $175 QUARTZSITE SNOWBIRD SPECIAL: Same Day Dentures and 1 Hour Reline/Repairs!! Dental Laboratory Service Call: 623-444-4013 • Goodyear, AZ ���.D�����M��������.��� Submitted by Scholars’ Academy Journalism Class N������� 3, 2010 For more information, National Honor Society by Jonathan Nash The National Honor Society is one of the oldest and largest recognition programs for high school students. NASSP established the National Honor Society in 1921. The Scholars’ Academy Honor Society is an organization of the top students in grades 10-12. NHS honors those students who have demon- strated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Students must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA without any discipline issues. Students must go through a ceremo- ny, recite the honor society pledge, and light a candle of service, scholar- ship, leadership, and citizenship. The Current leaders are; David Romero-president, Jessica Rascon- vice president, Miriam Tinoco-secretary, Bernice Delfin –treasurer Destructive Decisions by Tim Martin Basically SADD is about keeping kids from drinking and driving, doing drugs, or any other things that could hurt them. In order for students to join SADD, you have to sign a life con- tract which states the requirements for being in SADD and requires that you follow them. SADD has their own website. SADD made $500 last year through sale of their cookies. They are planning on doing a movie with the fire depart- ment. In the past SADD has celebrated Red Ribbon Week by painting red rib- bons on the back of football player’s helmets. SADD also makes floats for the parade. For more info visit: SADD’s mission: To provide students with the best prevention tools possible to deal with the issues of underage drinking, other drug use, impaired driving and other Students Against SADD NOW OPEN! RICE RANCH A-45 East of Dorothy’s Beads Open daily: 10am-6pm 281-635-6496, 281-636-7230 new discount grocery

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