Desert Messenger

November 3, 2010

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N������� 3, 2010 ���.D�����M��������.��� In Search of Gold out Quartzsite way! GOLD PLACERS IN WESTERN ARIZONA by Jane Alene Boyles The placer districts we are going to discuss are in one of the most arid parts of southwest Arizona. There is little water outside of the Colorado River. Quartz- site at an elevation of 800 feet has an average rainfall of 6 inches which often comes in a flash flood during the monsoon season. Summers are challenging for any outside activity, unless you are one of the creative prospectors who dry- washes at night with a generator and lights. Let’s explore the placers within thirty five miles of Quartzsite. It is no secret that the desert around Quartzsite has produced gold. Every now and then a large nugget is found in the washes with a metal detector or dry washer. Some nuggets have been found by people walking down the trails. Winters are a great time to explore the hills in the area. The Middle Camp, Oro Fino and LaCholla placers on the southern flank of the Dome Rock Mountains have all been productive. The Middle Camp plac- ers cover an area about five miles long by a mile wide on the southern flank of Middle Camp Mountain. It was re- ported to have rich seams of gravel on bedrock. One min- ing company set up a 31/2 yard drag line operation with 100 feet of sluice boxes and settling tanks for water recovery. Water was hauled from Quartzsite but the operation lasted only a few weeks. There are several active claims in this area at present, including several claims owned by local prospecting clubs. P��� 25 The La Cholla Placers border the eastern flank of the Dome Rock Mountains south of I-10. The area is defined by the upheaval of the mountains tilted to the west with a blue gray slate color. The gravels containing gold are found at bedrock and mostly cemented together with lime carbonate. The bedrock can be of a depth up to 84 feet. The area was active in 1933 with a pay streak struck at 42 feet. In this time frame a rich vein was discovered with 300 feet of drifts and stopes. The rich gold bearing gravel was at bedrock and concentrated where boulders were present. The Julian mine near the motel on the old highway was not profitable with only spotty gold and silver mixed with sulfides. The Yum Yum, Yellowdog and Cinnabar, and Kellog were spotty producers. Mostly shallow producers need- ing crushing due to the cemented nature, a total of 9464 ounces of gold was produced from the 1860’s to 1950. Silver and mercury were byproducts. Obvious geological upheaval of the hill near the Yellow Dog Mine in the La Cholla Placer area. General Store Quartzsite FOR ALL YOUR GROCERY NEEDS! OPEN 7 DAYS 8AM-6PM SALES RUN THURS.-SAT. (NEW FLYER TUES.) 410 E. MAIN ST. Fresh Meats (retail & wholesale) 928-927-6310 A.P.S. Pay Station AZ Lottery & Pick Fish & Game Licenses Beer & Wine Oro Fino Placers with S.H. Mountain in the distance across the La Posa Plain. The Oro Fino Placers south and east of the Middle Camp Placers, were actively mined with gold bearing cemented rock debris up to eighteen feet deep. Many test holes up to 30 feet deep were dug by the Catalina Gold Mining Company. Spotty gold, silver, lead and copper were found in quartz veins. Large scale op- erations were unsuccessful. However, the La Posa Development Company was a large scale operation at the Arizona Drift Mine during the late 1930’s. Work was done in a channel six feet deep and 50-150 feet wide, recovering a half ounce of gold to the ton. This area is included as part of the Plomosa district. The Plomosa Placers at the eastern edge of the La Posa Plain and the western foot of the Plomosa Mountains are about seven miles directly east of Quartzite. It is thought that the schists which contain gold bearing quartz veins were prob- ably the original source of the Plomosa placers. Getting close to the mountain bases would take you closer to the source of the gold. Major gold placers were worked in the Plomosa District. More about this another time. DERMATOLOGY NOW OPEN IN QUARTZSITE! Mohs Surgery Surgical Treatment of Skin Cancer 375 N. Joshua Ave. Quartzsite, AZ 85346 Dr. Gerardo C. Brual,M.D. Jocelyn Ramos NP-C 928-916-7898

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