Desert Messenger

November 3, 2010

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P��� 22  LETTERS FROM PAGE 4 beautiful event for the whole commu- nity! I am so grateful for the countless volunteers that helped make Oct. 23rd event such a positive experience for the community! The 2nd Annual Rockin’ in Quartz- site sponsored by Proud Neighbors of Quartzsite (PNQ) kicked off Sat. Oct. 23, 2010. Quartzsite Community Pre- vention Coalition joined the event this year with kid’s events, free hot dogs and t-shirts. The theme was “If you abuse...” alcohol, prescription and il- licite drugs. There was a special guest teenager, who shared her pain of los- ing 4 friends over the last two years to drug abuse. This year, PNQ decided to change it up a bit, by using flagstone slabs instead of boulders. Last year, some boulders were difficult to see on the ground. By using the slabs, the level of visibility will increase. Many hours of discussion were held about how to display the rock art. Mark Goldberg, a local artist and creative genius, de- signed and built a protype stand for the stones. Many volunteers gathered at his workshop to cut, drill, sand, and PNQ THANKS COMMUNITY Thank you Quartzsite for another ���.D�����M��������.��� paint the beautiful stands to showcase the artists work. Mr. Goldberg worked very hard on attention to details and his concern for safety was paramount! Thank you, Mark Goldberg for the un- told hours of work you have put into this project. Thank you so much to: • Inland Builders, Ace Hardware in Blythe, CA for donating all the flag- stone slabs and building materials for the Rock Art Pieces and stands. Thank you so much for your generousity and support of our community! • Kym Scott, of Tyson Wells Show- grounds for the extremely generous donation of the use of his warehouse for two weeks! We couldn’t do it with- out you, Kym! Hearts of gratitude for how much you contribute to the com- munity of Quartzsite! • Mark Goldberg, for his incredible design, hard work, and long hours as- sembling the stands for the slabs. And to the many volunteers he recruited to help. His neighbor, Dennis Wall, and even Council member Patricia Ander- son and her husband, Floyd, helped during construction. • Roger Williams for stepping up to take on the position of project man- ager for an event about which he knew little. Thank you to his wife, Patty Pat- Quartzsite Radio KBUX 94.3 FM • Quartzsite’s Favorite “CLASSIC HITS” • Local Information • Weather • 24 Hours Day / 7 Days Week! 928-927-5111 First locally-owned and operated music station in Quartzsite, Arizona. Proudly serving the communities of Quartzsite, Bouse, Brenda, Rainbow Acres, La Paz Valley and beyond, since 1988. ton, also for her long hours of volun- teering! Awesome job! • All the artists who are donating their time and creative energies for this public art event! Jesse Koontz (Ray Ray), Tina Moore, Nan Burrows, Carol Brainerd, Patricia Oechslin, Mary Jo Gilder, Ron Stoltz, Jo Foster Snow, QES Students, Penai Bettmann, Mark Goldberg, Rainbow Patrick, Betty Mi- chel, Annette Crandall, Rita Wilson. Artists Rock in Quartzsite! • Quartzsite Elementary School (QES) 3rd & 4th grade teacher, Mr. Dan Weimer. Also of QES: Linda Ward (who’s brilliant idea got the kids mo- tivated) and Trina LaFontane for their many hours of volunteering. • 16 QES students who painted two Rock Art Pieces and their parents for allowing them to participate. 3rd grad- ers, Ashley Coen, Frederick Hull, Ga- briel Norris, Daniel Perez. 4th graders, Savana Adams, Isadore Baeza, Daniel Bedzyk, Cherokee Frazier, Cobey Hag- er, Zachary Hager, Rober Hull, Malei- ah Sharp, Colton Robertson, Laianni Sales, Jeffrey Scott, Jasmine Tinoco. It was a pleasure to have you all there! We hope to see you on Nov. 6th at the Artist Reception! • Thank you to Quartzsite Community Prevention Coalition coordinators, Tracey Richardson and Yesenia Jack- son and all their volunteers. Isaiah 58 Project cooked the hot dogs, Mike and Linda Hobby coordinated a great ef- fort for this event! • John D. “Skip” Gallup, III volun- teered many hours of transport and photography, both for the 1st Annual Rockin’ in Quartzsite and this year’s event. You can see his photos of last year’s event hanging at Quartzsite Town Hall. Thanks, Skip, for also tak- ing photos of the Ribbon Cutting of the new business, Alternative Therapies! • Thank you, Monica Timberlake, for your tireless volunteering for this and many other events for the community! You Rock! • Town of Quartzsite helped with the use of the fork lift to get the pallet of stones off the truck. Thank you so much, Town Manager Alex Taft for your help and flexibility! • To the volunteer membership of Proud Neighbors of Quartzsite, I say a heartfelt thank you! Awesome job everyone! I really appreciate the co- operation of everyone working to- gether. Every event seems to have a few glitches, but y’all worked together great and without losing your sense of humor! We have many more hours ahead of us, getting ready for the Artist Reception. Let’s show Quartzsite what an amazing community we have when we all work together for the benefit of Quartzsite! Shanana Rain Golden-Bear PNQ Secretary, Quartzsite N������� 3, 2010 Caravan continued this year and was once again a great success. As with so many of the events that take place in Quartzsite, it was truly a community effort. First I would like to give huge kudos to Tracey Richardson and Yesenia Jackson of the Parks and Rec Department. Just like many of the events involving the children of this community, we couldn’t have done this with out them. Thank you to the staff at Town Hall and at the library for allowing us to take over their building on Friday afternoon. Our children started arriving at Town Hall around noon on Friday and were given hot dogs provided by the Prevention Coalition and prepared by the Isaiah Project and water provided by QAC, so a big thank you to all three of those group. The Scholars Academy was also a huge HALLOWEEN CARAVAN THANKS The long running tradition of the Halloween part of the caravan. Not only did they provide us with buses and drivers, but the Scholars’ Character Groups set up and worked the haunted house, and then stayed behind to help clean the library so that it would be ready first thing Monday morning. Also thank you to Mrs .Debbie Collier, Ms. Cheryl Smith, and Ms. Rosie Santos for driving our three buses filled with children and parents. Thank you also to Paula Cornell, Patty Patton, Lisa Dehaven, Joanne And Paul Winer,Terry Pearson and the rest of the adults that helped chaperone on the buses. Thank you to the following business and organizations that either served as stops on the caravan or set up a table at JR’s Rv Park to hand out candy; Split Rail RV Park, JR’s RV Park, RV Pit Stop, Horizon Bank, Kofa Mountain RV Park. La Casa del Rancho Restaurant, Sunsetters RV Park, Holiday Palms RV Park, 88 Shades RV Park, Mountain Quail Cafe, Desert Gardens RV Park, Desert Edge RV Park, Quartzsite Genertal Store, Beall’s Outlet, Cactus Curlers, Silly Als’ Pizza, Celia’s Gardens, Desert Messenger, Quartzsite Rotary, The Holt Group, and VFW Post 769. A special thank you goes to JR’s RV Park who turned their Rec Hall over to us so businesses that were not stops on the caravan would have a place to hand out candy. It is all of these wonderful business and organizations that help provide our children with a safe and fun way to “trick or treat” in Quartzsite. We can’t forget our amazing police and fire departments. Both Chief Gilbert and Chief Hess and their officers and fire fighters are always willing to help us with an event involving the kids in our community and the caravan would not be possible without their support. They are always a huge part of the caravan, making sure our kids are safe. Last but definitely not least, a special thank you goes to the community of Quartzsite. Thank you for supporting this event and supporting our children. This is truly a community activity and once again, an example of what an awesome community Quartzsite is. Monica Timberlake Quartzsite

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