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FREE! WED. NOV. 3, 2010 Vol. 7 Issue #118 PLEASE TAKE ONE N�� O�����! Quartzsite’s FREE Community Paper Quartzsite School in running for $50K grant! Just announced Nov. 1st by Pepsi Refresh Project! QUARTZSITE- Pepsi is giving away millions each month to fund refreshing ideas that change the world. Linda Ward, Quartzsite Elementary School, was notified November 1st, that her grant proposal was approved. The grant pro- posals with the most votes will win! The Pepsi Refresh Project is all about supporting great ideas that move com- munities forward. Meet the Rock Artists Nov. 6 QUARTZSITE- Proud Neighbors of Quartzsite (PNQ) presents the Artist Reception on Saturday, November 6, from 5pm-8pm. Besides meet- ing the 3rd and 4th graders (above), meet all the artists. This is the public’s sneak peak at the finished Rock Art before they hit the town! Join in the fun at Rockin’ in Quartzsite this weekend! For more info see page 22. Halloween fun QUARTZSITE- Local children had two wonderful events for Hallow- een weekend. On Friday, the Halloween Caravan drove 3 busloads of children around town to “trick-or-treat” at various RV parks and businesses. On Saturday, the PTA sponsored the first ever Fall Fes- tival at the Quartsite Elementary School Gym. The family event was a huge success with many parents involved. Parked out front were classic cars decorated for the “Trunk-R-Treat”. Inside the gym were prizes, food and games galore! There was so much to choose from, and so many smiles, it will sure be something for children to look forward to next year. It was a very full weekend for the children. See photos of both Halloween fun events on page 24. MAIN STREET “Inspire Dreams of Art for the Quartzsite Elementary School Students” is a proposal for an art program in Quartzsite Elementary School. Quartzsite is the Rock Capital of the World and this program combines rocks, art, and entrepreneural spirit, perfect for Quartzsite! So spread the word and get the votes out! “The Pepsi Refresh Project was developed with the belief that great ideas can come from anyone, anywhere, any- time,” said Jill Beraud, CMO and president of joint ven- tures, PepsiCo Beverages Americas. In an effort to support those who generate innovative, op- timistic ideas, the Pepsi Refresh Project (www.refreshev- will award more than $20 million in 2010 to move communities forward. Pepsi will fund projects that make a difference in six categories: Health, Arts & Culture, Food & Shelter, The Planet, Neighborhoods and Education. To vote, log onto: Keep voting every day through November 30, 2010. LAUNDRY SERVICE, TOO! Pick up & Delivery LAUNDROMAT 205 E. Main St. (across from Roadrunner) 928-308-0011 Quartzsite Youth VOTE TODAY & everyday! http://www.refresheverything. com/dreamsofartinquartzsite 2 4-5 8-9 14 15 20 21 24 26 27 28 29 31 What’s Inside Editorial Letters to Editor Around Town Thoughtbuster Restaurants Church Directory QIA Schedule Photos Scholars’ Journalism Show Schedule Puzzles Astrology Classifieds Sunsetters RV Park 165 E. Main St., Quartzsite conveniently located across from Roadrunner Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly Rates 928-927-3043 for NOW OPEN Open Daily 6am-6pm Showers $5