Alpha Chi Omega - University of Kansas

Fall 2024 Newsletter

Phi Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega at the University of Kansas

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Notes of the Lyre PHI CHAPTER OF ALPHA CHI OMEGA | UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS | FALL 2024 A nother group of women are moved in and calling 1500 Sigma Nu Place home. Over the summer, the House Corporation Board updated the guest room with the help of Parents' Club; we are ready for you to come and visit! This update was just one of the many projects on our ever-growing to-do list. This year, Phi transitioned to using Greek House Chefs for the women's meals. We cleaned out the dining room closet and added a new refrigerator. This is an exciting but bittersweet transition, as Mark is no longer manning the kitchen. We are collaborating with alumnae and collegians, and hope to find a time to celebrate his years at the chapter. Mark was a part of the Alpha Chi experience at KU for many sisters. At the 62nd Alpha Chi Omega National Convention in July, the Phi House Corporation Board was honored to receive the Local House Corporation Collaboration Award! This award, presented biannually, recognizes a local house corporation that partners, collaborates, and ensures a positive working relationship with the collegiate chapter. What a wonderful surprise and acknowledgement from Headquarters for hard work, dedication, and commitment— not only from our HCB members but also the chapter advisors, Mom Pat and, most importantly, our generous alumnae. Your continued financial assistance and lifelong commitment to Phi Chapter helps us support our collegians in every possible way. Loyally, Missi Schoen '97 House Corporation Board President Celebrating ALL of Us Celebrating ALL of Us House Corporati Board Aepts Local Claborati Award Phi House Corporation Board accepts the Local House Corporation Collaboration Award from the National Council. Missi Schoen '97 (left) holds the award with Chapter President Millie Cashatt '22. I decided to go through informal recruitment at KU because I felt disappointed after not participating in formal recruitment. When I met the members of Alpha Chi Omega, I immediately knew I belonged. The lifelong friends and the memories I shared with my sisters are among my most cherished moments from college. I soon found many things to love about Phi Chapter. I was proud of the members' dedication to supporting not only our philanthropy but also all the events we participated in to serve our community. I enjoyed standing with the sisters on Bid Day as we welcomed new members into our amazing sisterhood. After graduating from college, I returned to photography, a passion I'd always cherished. Although I initially swore I wouldn't shoot Capturing Unforgeable Moments Abbey Regnier '15 Talks Passion, Photography, and Phi Memories (Continued on page 2)

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