Beta Theta Pi - The Ohio State University

Fall 2024 Newsletter

Theta Delta Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at the Ohio State University

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BΘΠ THETA DELTA DRAGON THETA DELTA DRAGON Beta Theta Pi at The Ohio State University THETA DELTA OF BETA THETA PI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 6835 LINBROOK BLVD COLUMBUS, OH 43235 Address Service Requested HELP THETA DELTA GROW! Submit a Recruitment Referral I f you know a current or incoming student who would be a good fit for our brotherhood, send us a new member recommendation! Please call Caleb Berns '27 at (216) 973-1002 with the student's name, major, hometown, phone number, and why you think they might be a good addition to Beta Theta Pi. S upport the future of Theta Delta Chapter by making a quick and easy online donation today! Your gifts are crucial to the survival and success of the Chapter, helping to fund essential house maintenance. Every contribution, no matter the size, directly impacts our ability to provide a transformative experience for current and future brothers. Scan the QR code to visit and make a lasting difference in the lives of our Chapter members. Mark Your Calendars! O ur annual Spring Roundup will be held in mid-April 2025! Make sure to watch your mailbox and email for information on the date, time, place, speaker, and how to register for this event. Jay Farrell '27, Brendan Beck '26, Jordan Trostler '27, and Jackson Fowler '27 show off the new donor plaque that was recently installed in the foyer. ALUMNI GIFTS MATTER! SCAN TO GIVE! 2025 Check Us Out Online! Website: Facebook: Beta Theta Pi – The Ohio State University Nelson French '47 William J. Sachs Jr. '53 John H. Scofield '54 John Poffenberger '57 William H. Bond '58 William C. Roebuck '60 John K. Brugeman '62 John A. Burkhart '63 Thomas H. Quigley Jr. '64 Fritz Milligan '64 John J. Schiff Jr. '65 Curtis L. High '66 Mikkel Mandt '66 David W. Wright '67 In memory of Joe Chinnici '64 John C. Nisbet '71 Ralph W. Talmage '71 Craig D. Howard '72 Rick J. Schwieterman '72 David C. Neff '74 Michael P. Gaffney '75 In memory of Timothy D. Gaffney '78 Eric H. Zeiher '75 L.S. Barnes '78 Bruce P. Kupper '78 Harry D. Holdren '79 Alan K. Veatch '79 David F. Klein, M.D. '82 Michael S. Matthews '82 Mark T. Chupka '84 Wm. Todd Thompson '87 Wayne L. Chuko '90 Thank You, Generous Donors W e appreciate the brothers listed below who have given to eta Delta Chapter so far in 2024. eir selflessness allows our brotherhood to thrive, and alumni donations set an example of how we can continue to support eta Delta beyond college. If there is an error in your listing or your name is mistakenly omitted, we sincerely apologize. Please contact our communications consultant, Dan, at to submit any corrections.

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