Beta Theta Pi - MIT

Fall 2024 Newsletter

Beta Upsilon Chapter of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

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BACK BAY BETA Beta Upsilon Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Fall 2024 The basement has been spruced up for a more unique feel. Our newly refurbished guest room. L ast summer, our Chapter faced significant water damage to the Annex, which unfortunately depleted much of our excess reserves. Over the past year, we've managed to fully repair this damage and undertake numerous renovations that have brought our houses to their best state in years. Water Repair: The Alumni Corporation undertook essential repairs to the Annex water system, which extended into the beginning of last school year. During this period, our Brothers stepped up to house MIT students who would have otherwise been without a place to stay, demonstrating remarkable solidarity and commitment to our community. Washer and Dryer Replacement: In addition to the water repairs, the Alumni Corporation also replaced our old washer and dryer units, which had been frequently breaking down due to venting issues. The new, energy- efficient machines utilize heat-pump technology to eliminate the need for venting, hopefully returning the laundry room to full functionality. Extensive Work Week and New Furniture: Our Chapter members have engaged in one of the most extensive work weeks in years. This effort included significant renovations and an investment in new furniture to enhance our communal spaces. These improvements are a testament to our collective dedication to maintaining and upgrading our Chapter's facilities. The extensive repairs and new furnishings reflect our commitment to providing a high-quality environment for all members. Thank you for your continued support and involvement. We're excited about these advancements and look forward to the continued growth and vibrancy of our Chapter. Yours in _kai_, Chris Briere '19 Beta Upsilon Association President ALUMNI PROVIDE FOR THE HOUSE Fundraising Efforts at Work THANK YOU, 2024 DONORS W e appreciate these generous alumni who have financially supported our Beta brotherhood in 2024. Your contributions help us maintain a strong Chapter for current and future Beta Theta Pi members at MIT. Want to support Beta Upsilon Chapter? Fill out the enclosed giving card or visit to give today! We appreciate your support. Frederick W. Weitz '51 David L. Vogel '54 Harry B. Lee Jr. '56 Robert Malster '56 In memory of Booker Stanfield Lawrence R. Hoover '57 Robert E. Kersey '57 Guy L. Schmidt '57 Dr. James S. Draper '62 In memory of Booker Stanfield Kent L. Groninger '63 Leslie M. Boring '64 In memory of Booker T. Stanfield Richard A. Carpenter '64 Michael J. Monsler '64 William T. Stewart '69 In memory of C. T. Stewart '34 Bruce A. Lautenschlager '70 Paul R. Hochfeld '72 Jeffrey C. Murray '72 In memory of Ken Gerber Roger W. Lacy '79 Alan Laves '82 Richard C. Steines '84 Anthony DiPesa '87 In memory of Ray Brunsberg Michael P. McGovern '89 In memory of Christopher Morgen '88 David R. Dellagrotte '90 Kenneth Chay '91 Frank J. Leibly III '93 Don't Miss Your Chance to Give

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