Sigma Phi Epsilon - Purdue University

Spring 2024 Newsletter

Indiana Alpha Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity at Purdue University

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From the heart A PUBLICATION FOR ALUMNI OF INDIANA ALPHA t SIGMA PHI EPSILON t SPRING 2024 PURDUESIGEP.ORG I t is hard to believe we are in year five of our fundraising campaign! The pandemic, inflation, and interest rates extended our renovation timeline and, therefore, the capital campaign. All things must end, however, and on August 31 we will finalize names for the prominently displayed donor plaque at 690 Waldron. Will your name be on it? A GREAT SUCCESS Many have been working to revitalize and rebuild Indiana Alpha, and no one more than our new brothers. As they moved back into 690 Waldron this fall, they got busy. Our member count is currently at 50, and we expect additions through summer recruiting. Academically, Indiana Alpha earned the top GPA among all Greek chapters. SigEp is active in organizations, in community services, in sports, and socially on the Purdue campus. The chapter received accolades from the Dean of Students for their commitment to the Balanced Man Program and brotherhood. In every respect, SigEp is back! RENOVATION UPDATE Our renovation team (Dave Andrews '79, Ted Hazeldine '65, Scott Swisher '79, Tim Larson '77, and Terry Larson '80) continues to move forward aggressively. The new roof is completed, the new windows are installed, the third-floor renovation is nearly complete, and as the brothers exit for the summer, the second-floor renovation will begin. We are confident the completed renovation will distinguish 690 Waldron on campus! FUNDRAISING CHALLENGES We achieved our first level goal of $1.75 million, but with the challenge of inflation and interest rates, our stretch goal became $2 million. I am pleased to announce we are currently at $1.9 million! Thank you to all our donors for their extraordinary support of Indiana Alpha. Earlier this year, we announced the Chairmen's Challenge. Five brothers—Nick Harris '79 (+$50,000), Scott Swisher '79 (+$25,000), Ted Hazeldine '65 (+$15,000), Jim Mosch '80 ($25,000), and Doug Bowen '93 (+$10,000)—have increased their already generous gifts to create a $1 for $1 matching challenge gift. We would like to thank them for their commitment to Indiana Alpha, as this has been a true catalyst to achieving our fundraising goal. Concurrently, Kris Zambo '97 reinitiated the Mom Nonnie Challenge, which has raised 50% of its $50,000 goal. The challenge recognizes Mom Nonnie, housemother from 1992-2001, for her financial and personal contributions to the chapter. Thanks to this effort, we will name the House Director Suite in her honor. NAME A ROOM! Finally, with the renovation now underway, we have completed house plans for a 62-man occupancy. As a result, we have updated the Naming Rights program and have defined donation values for various areas of the house. Naming rights are a great opportunity for donors or donor groups to honor a brother or group, commemorate an event, or provide a memorial to a friend. Brothers, we encourage you to visit today and click on "Capital Campaign." A drop-down menu will provide details on the above programs as well as general campaign information and instructions on how to donate. In five years we have accomplished so much, but getting to our goal (or exceeding our goal!) will ensure the legacy of SigEp at Purdue and our legacy as brothers of Indiana Alpha. Fraternally, Jim Mosch '80 Campaign Co-Chairman Final Chance! On August 31, we will finalize the donor plaque and the campaign will end. We'll hope you'll stick with us as we cross the finish line! Will you see your name on the plaque during your next visit to the chapter house? If not, consider making a gift today! Scan the QR code to visit and make your mark on Indiana Alpha. Indiana Alpha's Bright "New Beginning" Celebrating Chapter House Campaign Success Give Now! Update My Info at!

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