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SPECIAL SECTION 48 May 15, 2024 • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, August 7, 2019 VOL. 15 # 303 Now in our 1 5 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! S����� P������ ����� A����� � M������� ���� V�������� �������������� J��� ����� | S������ R��� G�����-B��� Quartzsite wants your income survey Fun at Quartzsite's Summer Program The Town of Quartzsite has applied for Federal funding under the Community Development Block grant to undertake the purchase and installation of an annex building to be placed on site with the Community Center, This annex building will be used to house the exercise equipment allowing access to it during business hours, as well as opening space in the existing building to allow for more community activities. As part of this endeavor, a community wide income survey is re- quired to confi rm that the Town of Quartzsite is 51% low to moder- ate income. Surveys have been mailed out. If you have received one, please complete it and send it back in the self-addressed, stamped envelope enclosed. This survey must be completed by August 17, 2019 for the Town's grant application to be funded. D Bishop Consulting has been contracted to complete the survey. Denise Bishop and her associates will begin calling residents who have been mailed the survey to get the response over the phone. They will also begin going to the homes to get the response. It is extremely important that you do your part in getting this survey completed. The survey contains 4 questions and a tear-off portion at the bot- tom. The bottom portion will ask for your name, signature, date and address. This is for control purposes only, and once your response is recorded, this portion will be torn from the survey and destroyed. This is only to validate your response. If you have any questions, please contact Denise Bishop at 928 208- 5841. Unfortunately, we are unable to complete this survey online. The Town of Quartzsite hosted their annual Summer Program for youth. The free program had 40 applicants, but the daily average attendance was around 25 young- sters, due to family vacations, etc. Each week had a different excit- ing theme, but it was Harry Potter week that kids really remembered, along with making slime. In addi- tion to fun, there was ots of educa- tional activities for the youngsters. The 7-week program included a free breakfast snack and lunch provided by St. Mary's kids cafe. The afternoon snacks were pro- vided by the Town of Quartzsite. After School Program starts soon. See Page 13 for details. Got events? List for free! Are you planning a new or recurring event in Quartzsite this season? Please consider sharing the dates now, as folks are planning their winter trip. is a FREE service to list your special events, workshops, classes, music jams, bingos, entertainment, pot lucks, picnics, gatherings, fundraisers, ice cream socials, meetings, etc. SUBMIT your events for FREE today! Click "Submit Event" at Please Drive Carefully! AUGUST 7th is the First Day of School