Sigma Chi - Auburn University

Spring 2024 Newsletter

Gamma Sigma Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity at Auburn University

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House Corporation Plans for Future Renovations SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY AT AUBURN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2024 THE AUBURN SIG Inside 2 United in Excellence 2 Congrats, Grads! 3 Brotherhood at Stands the Test of Time 4 New Members A s I write this, the spring semester at Auburn is coming to an end and the summer repair season is beginning. We will have the interior of the house touched up with paint and will deep clean the floors. We will also continue to work with the chapter on some "wish list" items, but we are mostly in a patch and fix phase. e chapter is doing great! e group is comprised of many fine young men who represent the ideals of Sigma Chi. I am glad that we, as alumni, can help them achieve their loy goals. is year, we handled some typical repair issues and are finally done dealing with the Christmas freeze from a year ago. We constantly need kitchen upgrades and replacements, but nothing seems to be major. We will keep our fingers crossed! e house corporation has an excellent long-range plan for repairs and maintenance that we use as a guide to keep the house up to speed and looking nice. Please drop by if you find yourself in Auburn. e undergraduates would love to show you around. e house corporation continues to research the possibilities of rebuilding or adding onto the existing structure to help the chapter stay competitive with the other fraternity leaders on campus. Recently, FIJI and SAE completed renovations and additions to their houses. We sit on a great piece of property and want to maintain and maximize the location. We have varied talents in our HC group and are constantly looking to better ourselves. If you have any interest in getting involved and helping, please reach out to me! We can always use an extra attorney or an accountant to keep us on the straight and narrow. We will keep you informed as we progress through the process of updating our home. All the best to you! In Hoc, Reid Brown '81, House Corporation President Michael Lynden '24, Jack Engel '23, Paul Miller '24, and Nick Leonard '26 collect money for a chapter car wash during Derby Days. P R E S S I N G O N W A R D

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