Alpha Chi Omega - University of Kansas

Spring 2024 Newsletter

Phi Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega at the University of Kansas

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N O T E S O F T H E L Y R E | P A G E 2 Sydney Nicks '22, Rosie Pennington '20, and Morgan Caviar '20 showcase their talent at the final performance of Rock Chalk Review in February. Ellyson Moore '23 and Jordan Deihl '23 celebrate their initiation in October 2023. Alaina Carpenter '23 and Karsen Backlund '22 enjoy our Donut Let Love Hurt philanthropy event. We raised around $6,000 for The Willow on March 7! In Fu Blm In Fu Blm Undergraduates Share Successes and Goals Executive Executive Board Board I t is an exciting time at Phi Chapter! On March 7, we hosted a well-known philanthropy event with a new theme, as Burgers and Fries with Alpha Chi was given a sweeter title: Donut Let Love Heart. This was our first time reinventing this event, so we hope the Lawrence and campus communities enjoyed it as much as we did! We are also excited to be in the discussion stage of chapter house renovations! HCB will soon be installing new carpet on the 5th, 6th, and 7th floors. We'll also be getting new light fixtures and a new sofa in the lounge. These changes will be finished right before recruitment season—and your undergraduate sisters are incredibly thankful! Regarding recruitment, KU is sending out huge waves of student admissions, which is incredibly exciting! This year is predicted to surpass 2023's record of new students, when we had more than 1,200 PNMs arriving on campus intending to join our Greek community. Another event we're looking forward to is the Sorority and Fraternity Life Banquet in late April. Potentially, Phi Chapter could receive recognition for either chapter or individual awards, and we are super excited to attend and support the other phenomenal chapters and applicants! Phi has earned several key achievements so far this year, and we plan to continue that momentum as we near the end of the spring. One such achievement was a significant increase in our number of service hours! Last fall, Phi Chapter had one of the highest service hour averages per member out of all Alpha Chi Omega chapters across the country. We were able to achieve this national acclaim through the hard work of our VP of Philanthropy, who created more volunteer opportunities and utilized Panhellenic resources to ensure everyone would be able to complete their service hours. We were also awarded this year for our participation in Rock Chalk Review. Three chapter members worked alongside Sigma Phi Epsilon to lead the chapter's performance for the show, themed "Magic in the Making." After months of preparation and work, Sydney Nicks '22, Morgan Caviar '20, and Rosie Pennington '20 presented their work of art, Crew's Control. With lively choreographed dances, original songs, and contagious spirit, they earned several awards, including Female Supporting Role (Rosie as Captain Bea), the Ann Eversole Lifetime Achievement (Morgan as Scout), Best Costumes, Best Use of Set, Best Original Song, Best Vocal Performance, Best Story, and Best Pre-Show Video. Of course, the highlight of the experience was raising money for the Ballard Center! Our new executive board is pleased to share our goals for 2024. We aim to increase chapter attendance and involvement in sisterhood events, raise the chapter GPA, and improve the utilization of leadership positions. Thank you for continuing to support Phi Chapter as we grow and improve together! Loyally, Jasmin Flores '21 President Chapter President Jasmin Flores '21 VP Chapter Relations & Standards Kaitlyn Warren '21 VP Finance Ali Nye '21 VP Risk Management Kaitlyn Clements '21 VP Ritual & Fraternity Appreciation Ashley Plantz '22 VP Recruitment Anna Cashatt '21 VP Recruitment Information Reese Lenort '21 VP New Member Education Kaitlin Meinheit '22 VP Public Relations & Marketing Hailey Gifford '22 VP Membership Programming Lexi Kilton '22 VP Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Izzy Nelson '23 Panhellenic Delegate Maddie Milligan '22 VP Intellectual Development Olivia Matthes '21 VP Facility Operations Lily Reeder '21 VP Philanthropy Lauren Tracy '22

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