Beta Mu Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at Purdue University
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Committed to Community BETA MU FOCUSES ON GIVING BACK AND GETTING INVOLVED BETA MU LINK BETA MU LINK B E T A T H E T A P I A T P U R D U E U N I V E R S I T Y • P U R D U E B E T A . C O M Spring 2024 John Wooden Club ($5,000 and up) John A. Laurie '86 Chad Zamarin '98 In honor of the Beta Mu Pledge Class of 1994-95 John Riley Knox Club ($1,000 to $4,999) Howard Harman '51 Robert N. St. Jean '69 Kevin Comer '71 Craig Whelden '73 In memory of Beta Mu Pledge Class Members of 1970 Who Have Passed Richard J. Bond '79 Kevin McCarter '79 omas Hoover '82 Beta Mu Founders Club ($500 to $999) Vincent K. Jones III '63 Joe Rierden '72 Michael W. Wells '75 James E. Dora Jr. '86 John C. Tyrpin '94 Kai Club ($200 to $499) Raymond W. Gass '59 Donald Atkinson '64 Grant H. Martin '67 John E. Mitchell '67 R. Scott Hayes '68 omas Work '70 Ronald W. Schenkel '71 Marc Fooksman '81 William D. Moss '81 Patrick Hughes '91 Edward Usher '92 Peter M. Economos '97 Harold "Hank" Vice '99 Mike R. Switala '12 Wooglin Club ($100 to $199) Clifford A. Dunton '57 George R. Caruso '58 William W. Slemmons '60 Brendan O'Brien '63 George A. Raub '63 Phillip L. Zellers '64 John R. De Vries '65 Phillip W. Ward '65 Mark M. Owen '74 Bob Butsch '75 Jeffrey Osborn '88 Kelly J. Eads '89 D. Page Hoover '91 Mark Sanfilippo '91 Beta Dragon Club (Up to $99) Anonymous Ryan Cassidy Julio A. Hernandez, University of the Pacific '16 Robert Bradford Jr. '59 David Yoder '62 Richard Bond '68 John N. Lawson '79 Steven M. Klinger '86 Kevin E. Mayer '91 Byron K. Wheeler '99 Sean M. Klinger '17 THANK YOU, LOYAL BROTHERS W e appreciate every donor on this list who has prioritized Beta Mu Chapter. e names below represent donations since our last newsletter and as of March 25, 2024. Your financial support allows us to keep growing our proud brotherhood at Purdue. Add your name to this list by visiting or scanning the QR code to join your brothers. We Appreciate Your Support F or our philanthropic efforts, we raised a whopping $72,000 for Tyler Trent Foundation, which is focused on pediatric cancer research. We also hosted a car wash with Tri Delta that raised money for Riley Hospital for Children, as well as a philanthropy kickball tournament with Kappa Kappa Gamma. Our Chapter had a solid year academically with a 3.3 Chapter GPA. is placed us in the top five in fraternities with over 100 members, and top 10 overall in fraternities on campus. Academics continues to be a priority, and our hard work pays off. For athletics, we were intramural dodgeball champions, runner-up in intramural flag football, and runner-up in the Greek Basketball Association, which brother Max Wilson '25 helped start here at Purdue. Our intramural sports chairman, Matthew Etchison '26, has made sure our Chapter is well-involved in each sport offered. While we didn't win every intramural this year, we were a top team in every league we played in and will be back to win next year. e Chapter has committed several hundred hours to community service. Members have picked up trash along highways and served in retirement homes as well as prepped homes for winter months. e care for one another pours out to the community through our great efforts. Community Service Chairman Will Strahm '26 does a great job of ensuring the Chapter has plentiful opportunities to serve and make an impact on our Lafayette community. e Fraternity has had a semester that has encouraged us to grow in many areas. We look forward to the opportunity to push ourselves to set Beta Mu up for future success. Yours in _kai_, Magwire Graybill '26 President Brother Andrew Kinder '26 received the 2023 Tyler Trent Courage and Resilience Award in recognition of his persistence in his fight with Leukemia. The Beta dodgeball team secured an Intramural Championship this winter! is spring has been eventful for Beta Mu!