Theta Xi - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Fall 2023 Newsletter

Alpha Chapter of Theta Xi at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

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ALPHA CHAPTER OF THETA XI FALL 2023 ALPHABET T he last few years have been a whirlwind for all of us. Alpha has fully rebounded from COVID's aftereffects. The chapter is strong, membership is solid, our fundraising and renovation campaign was successfully completed, and we've transitioned back to the blocking and tackling of chapter and active member support, basic maintenance and targeted upgrades, and our annual fundraising campaign. Our previous annual campaign saw donations from over 300 individual brothers over a decade (most multiple donations, many every year) and shored up our house as we prepared for and executed our 150th anniversary campaign. While our campaign raised more than we hoped and our renovation investment addressed more than we thought possible, updating and caring for our 92-year-old historically significant chapter house is a never-ending labor of love. We've identified and prioritized several upgrades and maintenance items, focusing first on upgrading the kitchen vent hood and associated electrical and fire suppression systems. The estimated cost is $25,000. Initial donations to our annual fund will go toward this important safety upgrade. Please consider reengaging with our annual fund and donating today. We've arranged a number of ways to give, with both tax-deductible and non-tax-deductible options. You can give directly to your alumni association, through the 501(c)(3) organization (SPGH) we coordinate with, online, or through RPI by credit card, check, donation of securities, or one-time or recurring gifts. We appreciate any support you're willing and able to give as we continue our stewardship of our house and active brothers. You should have received donation details in a recent annual campaign mailing. If you did not, please email or call me. Thank you again for your continued support of Alpha. We could not have enjoyed the success of the last 15 years (and 159 years) without your and each brother's contributions and support. Please join us on April 27, 2024, as we gather as an alumni association at 1490 Sage Avenue to celebrate our 160th continuous year operating Alpha Chapter with our undergraduate brothers. Come see what your support has already meant for our continued success. Yours in the Bonds, David Fowkes '89 (A1275) Alpha Alumni Association President | (908) 768-1797 OUR HOME WILL ALWAYS NEED TO BE MAINTAINED Alpha Restarts Annual Fund Give today! Visit our new online form at Brothers gather to congratulate our newly initiated lavalier, Riley Fitzgerald. Brothers gather for a team picture after finishing a Spartan Beast race. From left: Brendan Capuzzo '24 (A1784), Paul Kratsios '25 (A1778), Trenton Burton '25 (A1785), Luc Trombley '24 (A1782), and Michael Owens '25 (A1793).

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