Up & Coming Weekly

November 21, 2023

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM 18 UCW November 22-28, 2023 FTCC offers ways for students to save on tuition by DR. CHRISTOPHER THRASHER Students pursuing a bachelor's degree can save drastically on tuition costs and student loans by taking the first two years of study at FTCC. Our transfer counselors can assist in planning the best transfer pathway to achieve your goals. FTCC and FSU Keen Scholarship An exciting partnership exists between FTCC and Fayetteville State University. e FSU-FTCC Keen Scholarship, in honor of former FTCC President Dr. J. Larry Keen, assists with financial relief in cover- ing tuition costs at Fayetteville State. Eligible students must have earned an associate degree from FTCC, have a minimum GPA of at least 3.0, and meet the requirements for admission to FSU. For the 2024-2025 academic year, students must apply for this scholarship by March 31, 2024. For more information about the FSU- FTCC Keen Scholarship, please con- tact Brittany Mundy (FSU Academic Advisor for FTCC) at mundyb@ faytechcc.edu or 910-486-7455. e Guaranteed Admissions Program is a program that ensures students who graduate from FTCC with an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree and have met all requirements are able to transfer to any North Carolina public university with junior status. e Carolina Student Transfer Excellence Program is a partnership between the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and commu- nity colleges in North Carolina that provides transfer opportunities for talented low- and moderate-income students. Admission into profession- al programs at UNC-Chapel Hill is competitive, and all students are not guaranteed acceptance. Admission to UNC-Chapel Hill through Under- graduate Studies is guaranteed upon completion of the AA or AS degrees. C-STEP is an all-encompassing program that helps students gain extensive knowledge of the campus, meet key individuals who will be of aid when they arrive, and, more importantly, provide them an oppor- tunity to learn and grow with like- minded individuals who become far more than peers. University Outreach Program Benefits Students who participate in GAP or C-STEP programs enjoy many exclu- sive opportunities: •Exclusive Advising: Get Customized Advice Which is Tailored to Your Needs •Special Events: Make Connections with Mentors and Peers at Great Events •Transition and Support Services: Get Help Making the Transition to a University •Special Scholarships: College is Expensive, but Our Scholarship Pro- grams Can Help Both GAP and C-STEP are highly competitive programs that are only available to the most highly qualified students. "Sometimes things don't quite work out as you had planned, but blessings come from the support of others and the ability to stay humble along the process," said Bryan Cuevas-Figueroa, FTCC C-STEP Graduate Other Partner Universities and Deadlines •North Carolina State University, FTCC's newest partner in the GAP Program, admission Deadline: Sep- tember 1 and November 1 •e University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (C-STEP Program), College Admission Deadline: Octo- ber 1, High School Admission Dead- line: April 1, Rolling Admissions •North Carolina A&T University , Rolling Admissions •Pirate Promise at East Carolina University, Fall and Spring Admis- sions •University of North Carolina Wilmington, Complete interest form – deadline not applicable Are you ready to learn more about how FTCC can help you save money on tuition costs when considering a four-year degree? Please reach out to Loutricia Nel- son in FTCC's University Outreach office at 910-678-8205 or nelsonl@ faytechcc.edu. EDUCATION DR. CHRISTOPHER THRASHER, FTCC Social Science Instructor. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910-484-6200 2024 Community Directory POCKET GUIDE 2023 Community Directory POCKET GUIDE 2024 Community Directory POCKET GUIDE FREE to Residents, Businesses and Organizations throughout our Community Reserve your Full Page Ad NOW in the 2024 Pocket Guide. Television and Radio Stations Universities & Colleges Local Annual Events Frequently Called Numbers Area Health Facilities County Libraries Local Festivals 18 Month Calendar Parks & Recreation Town of Hope Mills & Hope Mills Chamber Schools Public & Private Museums & Galleries Live Theatre For More Information Call 910-484-6200 www.upandcomingweekly.com nline 24/7 • City-Wide • County-Wide • on Ft. Liberty • and I-95 H A V E Y OU DON E I T POWERED BY 2023 Business & Community Directory W W W . U P A N D C O M I N G W E E K L Y . C O M POCKET GUIDE 23 vol.

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