Up & Coming Weekly

November 21, 2023

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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12 UCW November 22-28, 2023 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM COVER Community Concerts presents Josh Turner by SAM OLSEN Coming Saturday, Dec. 2 at 7:30 p.m. to the Crown Coliseum, Josh Turner is set to help folks unwind and groove to his newest album and fan favorites. Up and Com- ing Weekly was able to catch up with Turner before his upcoming performance and ask him about his career in music, performance goals, inspirations and his advice for the next generation of performers and entertainers. Turner, born in Hannah, South Carolina, has spent the last 27 years perfecting his craft as an enter- tainer. He remembers growing up and watching Johnny Cash's recorded performances and being inspired by the craftsmanship and heart behind Cash's music. Moments like this, along with his deep roots in his faith, have guided Turner throughout his career in the music industry. When asked how his relationship with God has affected his career trajectory, Turner had this to say. "Well, I've definitely faced my challenges as far as that goes. I had a lot of people early on in my career that really tried to influence me to do different things that I wasn't comfortable with or didn't agree with. It's something I had to learn at an early age; that I was either going to let these people tell me what to do and push me around, or I was going to stand my ground and stand up for what I believe in," he said. "It's a double-edged sword, because of me standing up for what I believe in, I've missed out on a lot of success, and I'm okay with that. I don't look back and regret that I missed out on certain things because of my values." Turner believes people like him in the music industry need to exist; those who stand up for what they believe in and won't compromise on their morals to achieve success. Turner mentioned how glad he was to have learned those lessons earlier in his career rather than later. In a time where more and more musicians and artists are practically required to conform to industry standards and algorithm- focused content to succeed, Josh Turner and his purist approach to music is a refreshing breeze cutting through the stale and stagnant air like a guitar chord in an empty bar. Having started out in his early 20s, Turner also has a unique per- spective as a performer who has been active in the music industry for twenty-two years. U&CW was interested to know what Turner's advice would be for upcoming art- ists hoping to break through and excel in the industry today. ankfully, Turner, touting years of experience, was more than happy to oblige. Speaking on stay- ing true to oneself and striving to succeed in a business so cutthroat and tumultuous, Turner stated, "Johnny Cash had a song talking about how people are so heavenly- minded that they're no earthly good. I tell my boys this all the time too, just because you're a Christian or true believer, doesn't mean you don't live in a world where there's brokenness, where there's sin, and where there's people struggling," he said. "When Jesus came to earth, he dealt with those same kinds of people, but he loved and forgave them. He wasn't afraid to get near those people. I tell my boys that, and would recommend to younger artists who are believers to realize that hey, going out into the music business into the world is not going to be sunshine and roses every day. You're going to have to fight and stand your ground. You're going to have to be resilient and you're go- ing to have to do it with a smile on your face. Let people see the Lord in you." U&CW next wanted to know how Turner stayed inspired and contin- ued creating throughout his career. "I've never stopped being a fan," Turner said. "I think when people get into the music business and stop being a fan, then it just becomes a busi- ness. Just somebody's spirit, their creativity, is enough for me. I don't try to manufacture anything. I con- tinue to be a fan and love music. I continue to go back to what got me into music, to begin with, and look at things through a fan's eyes. I try to let things happen naturally. I don't force anything. at's the key to creativity; letting things happen naturally." When asked about his favor- ite song, Turner initially couldn't answer easily but settled for Keith Whitley's "I'm No Stranger To e Rain" because of what it means to him. Turner mentioned he personally related to the narrative of enduring the hardships of life and persever- ing in spite of them. rough it all Josh Turner has remained a creative voice with the purpose of inspiring others, allevi- ating the stresses of daily life and spreading the love and kindness he's experienced in his life. Turner will be performing at the Crown Coliseum on Dec. 2. Prepare for fan favorites, songs from his new album and special guest Jared Harder. "When people show up to a show of mine; when they spend their hard-earned money and take time out of their weekly schedule to come to my shows, I don't take that for granted. I'm very thankful that they would show up. I want them to feel better after they leave my show than before they got there," Turner said. For more information on this event, how to buy tickets and other upcoming shows like it, go to https://www.crowncomplexnc. com/events/detail/josh-turner- with-special-guest-jared-harder or https://www.crowncomplexnc. com/events/all. SAM OLSEN, Assistant Editor. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. (910) 484-6200 (Photo courtesy of Modern Management.)

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