Up & Coming Weekly

November 14, 2023

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

Issue link: https://www.epageflip.net/i/1511496

Contents of this Issue


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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM 24 UCW November 15-21, 2023 F R E E F R E E My paper Proudly sponsored by: UP & COMING WEEKLY The Cape Fear Region's Fun Family Newspaper • October 2022 The Cape Fear Region's Fun Family Newspaper • October 2022 UP & COMING WEEKLY More inside: VOLUME 17 | ISSUE 2 FEBRUARY | 2023 Inspiring, educating, empowering and celebrating women in our community M A G A Z I N E Fo th Lov of… FRIENDS A Galantine's Day to Remember Celebrate the women in your life FAMILY Sprinkle: Pop: Play Kids love it! You will, too. FLOWERS Grow Roses, Grow Love with the Fayetteville Rose Society FOOD Spotlight on Chef Nadia Minniti of Gusto Napoletano Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria H A V E Y OU DON E I T POWERED BY 2023 Business & Community Directory W W W . U P A N D C O M I N G W E E K L Y . C O M POCKET GUIDE 23 vol. "We Shop Local, We Buy Local, We Promote Local." Make Us Part of YOUR Marketing Team. for, by and about Fayetteville women For more information call 910-484-6200

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