Up & Coming Weekly

November 14, 2023

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM November 15-21, 2023 UCW 15 2024 Community Directory POCKET GUIDE 2023 Community Directory POCKET GUIDE 2024 Community Directory POCKET GUIDE FREE to Residents, Businesses and Organizations throughout our Community Reserve your Full Page Ad NOW in the 2024 Pocket Guide. Television and Radio Stations Universities & Colleges Local Annual Events Frequently Called Numbers Area Health Facilities County Libraries Local Festivals 18 Month Calendar Parks & Recreation Town of Hope Mills & Hope Mills Chamber Schools Public & Private Museums & Galleries Live Theatre For More Information Call 910-484-6200 www.upandcomingweekly.com nline 24/7 • City-Wide • County-Wide • on Ft. Liberty • and I-95 H A V E Y OU DON E I T POWERED BY 2023 Business & Community Directory W W W . U P A N D C O M I N G W E E K L Y . C O M POCKET GUIDE 23 vol. EVENT Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra hosts Four Seasons by LENA SIMMONS e Fayetteville Symphony Orches- tra is presenting Vivaldi, e Four Sea- sons, at St. John's Episcopal Church, on Saturday, Nov. 18 at 7:30 p.m.. e Four Seasons presents the musical expres- sion of change. Antonio Vivaldi composed these violin concerti in 1723. e sequence of the seasons are Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Fabian Lopez, concertmaster, is the violin soloist for e Four Seasons concerti. A concerti is a piece of one or more soloists with three or more move- ments. "When planning our opening season concert, we develop a classic program that is well-known and adored," said Megan Woolbright, marketing director, Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra. e musical program will also fea- ture Legacy of Love, a musical tribute to Frances Grimes. Legacy of Love, composed by William Grimes, was dedicated to his mother on her one- hundredth birthday. She is a founding member of the Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra. e orchestra was founded in 1956. Fayetteville Symphony is committed to diversity, reflected by the Baroque Suite, written by Adolphus Hailstork, a BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, Person of Color) composer, and Brendan Slo- cumb, BIPOC violinist, Fayetteville na- tive, and author. Slocumb is the author of e Violin Conspiracy and Secrets of the Symphony. Female composers are featured in future programs such as Florence Price, classical pianist, organist and music teacher. Jessie Montgomery is a composer, chamber musician and educator. Many of us have expectations of con- certs at locations such as Fayetteville State University, Methodist University and churches. e Fayetteville Sym- phony has made these options avail- able to the public. e Symphony on Tap series is classical music performed at local breweries. Beethoven, Bach, the music is free; pay for your beer. "Symphony on Tap is a new series with the goal to engage the community through music and beer," said Meghan Woolbright. "Listening to Classical Music has health benefits, stress reduction, low- ers blood pressure, lowers anxiety, improves cognition, positive impact on pain management and enhances blissful sleep," according to studies by Better Sleep. e Fayetteville Symphony Orches- tra is a primary factor in the quality of life in Fayetteville. "e orchestra contributes to the quality of life in our city by making mu- sic accessible for everyone to experi- ence," said Woolbright Enjoy the musical experience of Antonio Vivaldi's e Four Seasons, Saturday, Nov. 18, at 7:30 p.m., at St. John's Episcopal Church, 234 Green St. e tickets range from $5 to $32. For more ticket Information contact Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra at info@fayettevillesymphony.org, or visit https://ci.ovationtix.com/36404. LENA SIMMONS. Staff writer. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomingweekly. com. 910-484-6200 Fabian Lopez is the Concertmaster and Lead Violin Soloist for Vivaldi, The Four Seasons, Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra. (Photo courtesy of Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra)

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