Up & Coming Weekly

November 07, 2023

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM November 8-14, 2023 UCW 19 Data Analytics at FTCC leads to high-paying jobs by CHRISTOPHER THRASHER Data analytics is the exciting new process of analyzing data to uncover insights and make informed decisions. It focuses on collecting, cleaning, and explor- ing data, building models, analyzing findings, and presenting them visually. Data analytics can help businesses and organizations make better decisions. It can also provide skilled users of these techniques with new and highly paid job oppor- tunities. Students begin their data analytics training at FTCC by taking BAS 120, Introduction to Analyt- ics. In this course, students learn the basics of analytics and descriptive statistics using analyti- cal techniques in Excel and then move on to ap- plying the same concepts in Alteryx Designer. is innovative data analytics and data prepa- ration software is designed for business analysts and data professionals. In 2023, Alteryx was named Analytics Company of the Year by Data Breakthrough Awards. It is popular among data analysts and business intelligence professionals and is used across vari- ous industries and organizations which ensures that anyone who can use Alteryx Designer will be in high demand on the job market. Upon successful completion of the BAS 120 course, students have the following four certifi- cates to add to their résumé: Alteryx Designer Core Micro-Credential: General Knowledge, Alteryx Designer Core Micro-Credential: Data Preparation, Alteryx Designer Core Micro-Cre- dential: Data Manipulation and Alteryx Designer Core Micro-Credential: Data Transformation. Students who complete their data analytics coursework at FTCC are qualified to sit for the Statistical Analysis System Examination. e aver- age salary for a SAS certified worker is $92,000 per year. Data science jobs are expected to grow by 36% in the next ten years, making it one of the nation's fastest-growing fields. Students can complete data analytics courses at FTCC fully online. Students who take online classes are free to complete their classwork entirely from home. ey also have the option to visit campus and use college computer labs, libraries, and gyms. Are you ready to learn more? Please contact us today. We have campuses in Fayetteville and Spring Lake and a presence at Fort Liberty and are eager to help you start the next chapter in your life. We're currently registering students for spring semester classes. Spring classes begin January 16. We invite you to begin the new year with a new direction: focus on a high-tech career with great pay and exciting opportunities, such as the field of Data Analytics. It's never too late to enrich your life and reimagine your future; your first, important step begins at FTCC. For more information about Data Analytics and other Computer Information programs of study, contact Hana Seidi, IT/Computer Programming & Development/Database Instructor, at Fayetteville Technical Community College, 910-486-7349, or visit the Advanced Technology Center in Room 113H or Cumberland Hall in Room 377H at the Fayetteville campus. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you. EDUCATION CHRISTOPHER THRASHER, FTCC Social Science Instructor. COMMENTS? Editor@ upandcomingweekly.com. 910-484-6200

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