Up & Coming Weekly

November 07, 2023

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM November 8-14, 2023 UCW 17 HEALTH 2024 Community Directory POCKET GUIDE 2023 Community Directory POCKET GUIDE 2024 Community Directory POCKET GUIDE FREE to Residents, Businesses and Organizations throughout our Community Reserve your Full Page Ad NOW in the 2024 Pocket Guide. Television and Radio Stations Universities & Colleges Local Annual Events Frequently Called Numbers Area Health Facilities County Libraries Local Festivals 18 Month Calendar Parks & Recreation Town of Hope Mills & Hope Mills Chamber Schools Public & Private Museums & Galleries Live Theatre For More Information Call 910-484-6200 www.upandcomingweekly.com nline 24/7 • City-Wide • County-Wide • on Ft. Liberty • and I-95 H A V E Y OU DON E I T POWERED BY 2023 Business & Community Directory W W W . U P A N D C O M I N G W E E K L Y . C O M POCKET GUIDE 23 vol. What is "ageism?" by CYNTHIA ROSS Ageism is defined as discrimi- nation against older adults with predefined stereotypes. It begins around fifty years old, when an individual is being defined as grow- ing old. We are inundated with ads targeted toward those growing old with how we look, dress, eat, live and maintain health. I think info commercials are the worst with leading claims of count- less gimmicks of how something changed someone's life. Recently I had a man come to the house to discuss doing some work. He proceeded to talk to me, with what he thought was a good sales pitch. "You know people try to take advantage of 'Elderly People.'" I rather found this offensive be- cause by comparing the two of us it was obvious that I was in much bet- ter physical shape than he was, and he was not that much younger than me. I said, "I hope you are not refer- ring me to being elderly, sir, because I could kick you into next week!" He began to backtrack his state- ment. He was not called back to be hired. "Elderly" is defined as someone sixty-five years or older with silver hair. I guess we need to add sitting in a rocking chair to that definition. The "young old" is approximately 65 to 74, "middle age," 75 to 84, and "old old," over 85. I refer to the definition of "elderly as a physical and cognitive capability," and some- one could be considered a state of "elderly" at a much younger age. The term "I am ageless" has a more positive approach to age, and let us face it, we begin aging the day we are born. Today's seniors are not the stereo- typical images of our parents retiring and going home to rest. Who wants to rest? The modern senior enjoys life and knows how to do it. They do not feel the need to be anything to anyone except them- selves, are not governed by social status, and try to fit in, where they live or with what they have. Pri- orities are easier set and "no as an answer" has become part of our vocabulary. "Been there done that" is a fre- quent go-to as part of a conversa- tion. You have arrived at your stage of life. You know what you do and do not want, and you set your bound- aries with gained confidence. You have confidence because you know what and what not to say and often find that wisdom is a part of not saying anything or getting involved. Your circle of friends may begin to get smaller as you discover who is there for you and who is there for convenience. Today's seniors are well-read, hip and many still work because they prefer to in the way of part-time em- ployment or by volunteering. They are an asset to any work environ- ment because they are dependable and have good work ethics. They bring a wealth of knowledge to work because they simply have experience in life. Many companies are gearing toward older workers because of skills based on experi- ence and are less likely to jump from one job to another because it does not suit them. I work at a fitness center that caters to an older clientele, and as a personal trainer and group fitness instructor, that is my preference for a client to work with. The reason is that lifestyle is all about functional movement and the ability to continue an active lifestyle. It is not about the latest diet or being skinny, because health comes in all sizes. On any given day you will find that the "elderly generation" outper- forms the younger ones. Live love life with passion. CYNTHIA ROSS, Personal Trainer. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com 910-484-6200.

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