Alpha Chi Omega - University of Kansas

Fall 2023 Newsletter

Phi Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega at the University of Kansas

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RECONNECT WITH ΑΧΩ ALUMNAE TODAY Notes of the Lyre PHI CHAPTER OF ALPHA CHI OMEGA | UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS | FALL 2023 T his fall, we welcomed more than 80 women into the Alpha Chi Omega sisterhood at Phi Chapter. Over the years, hundreds of women have gone through initiation at KU, and thousands more across the country have helped us create a sisterhood of more than 3,250 members. Is one of those sisters your neighbor down the block, a co-worker, or the stranger behind you in the line at Target? While attending an event in Colorado I made a brief mention about volunteering for the House Corporation Board and met a sister. I also learned that a work friend was a sister after she saw an old AXΩ blanket on the arm chair in my living room. Other alumnae have talked about wearing an AXΩ sweatshirt on a Zoom call and finding a sister. Without those proudly displayed letters or the mention of volunteering, the discovery of a sisterhood connection would never have occurred. Hopefully, a young woman or little girl will see your letters or hear about being an Alpha Chi and be inspired to join our sisterhood or the Greek community. It's up to you, fellow sisters, to share our sisterhood with the world around us! Being an Alpha Chi Omega sister doesn't stop after we leave college. We show it in the women we have become and will be in the future, whether we realize it or not. I call upon you to renew your sisterhood and lifetime commitment to Alpha Chi Omega! There are local alumnae chapters all over the United States and virtual alumnae chapters where we can meet new sisters and reconnect with old ones. We are always looking for new volunteers to help lead and grow our collegiate membership. Please reach out if you would like to volunteer as an advisor or on the House Corporation Board! Visit to find an alumnae chapter near you. We are confident you will find continuing your involvement with Alpha Chi Omega after your college days to be enjoyable and rewarding. Loyally, Missi Schoen '97 House Corporation Board President Big thanks to the alumnae who supported chapter officers during mock recruitment! The 2023 recruitment team preps for alumnae mock recruitment. By purchasing a brick, you can ensure the board can provide our collegians with a home away from home. Our 4x8" bricks are $150 each. There are also donor certificates and souvenir bricks available. Please contact Stacy Abernethy '96 at with any questions. E verlas ing Bo ds E verlas ing Bo ds Buy a Brick to Support Buy a Brick to Support the House Corporation Board! the House Corporation Board! To start your order today, scan the QR code or visit:

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