Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Kansas State University

Fall 3023 Newsletter

Kansas Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity at Kansas State University

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LION'S LORE A P U B L I C A T I O N O F T H E K A N S A S B E T A C H A P T E R O F S I G M A A L P H A E P S I L O N FALL 2023 I t is getting very crowded on the trophy mantle at 1015 Denison Avenue in Manhattan. That's because Kansas Beta just won two of the most prestigious national awards in the Greek system! Kansas Beta was named the No. 1 Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter in the nation (out of some 240 chapters), winning the John O. Moseley Award for fraternity zeal. According to award criteria, the winner "best exemplifies a model chapter who excels in its operations and brotherhood … going above and beyond expectations." ΣAE at K-State was also one of eight chapters (among more than 6,000 across 58 men's fraternities) to receive the Chapter of Distinction award from the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC). This is the second time the chapter has won these awards, as they won them respectively in 2020 and 2021. "It is truly an exciting time to be associated with Kansas Beta," Housing Corporation President Steve Lacy '76 said. "We are extremely proud of our young men for securing these unprecedented achievements." In addition to these awards, ΣAE continues to excel on the K-State campus: SPRING 2023 ACADEMICS Kansas Beta achieved a 3.5 GPA, second only to FarmHouse among KA N S A S B E TA I S N O . 1 S A E C H A P T E R I N T H E N AT I O N ! Also Wins All-Fraternity Chapter of Distinction Award fraternities. Twenty-six percent achieved a 4.0. MEMBERSHIP The house was again full as this school year began, with 61 brothers living in the chapter house and a total membership of 111. A promising pledge class of 30 was initiated in late August. GOALS At their fall 2023 retreat, chapter officers set the goals of winning Fraternity of the Year at K-State, achieving a 3.5 GPA or higher, winning intramurals, retaining 95 percent of members, and raising $8,000 for charity. Fraternally, Greg McCune '76 Alumni Communications Coordinator 847-650-0895 The 2023 Lion Trophy for the top ΣAE chapter in the nation—us! Our 2023 NIC Award of Distinction. The spring 2024 alumni newsletter will highlight how Paddy Murphy was celebrated back in the day and how it is celebrated today. We need your help! Send your memories and photos of Paddy Murphy celebrations to Greg McCune '76, Alumni Communications Coordinator, 847-650-0895 or PADDY MURPHY

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