Beta Upsilon Chapter of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
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BACK BAY BETA Beta Upsilon Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Fall 2023 Busy with Changes Beta Upsilon Association's New Leadership I remember when I received the call in early 1987. I was almost five years out of school and busy with a fast-growing startup company. I was engaged to my now wife of 34 years and had a lot going on. But as Ben Franklin said, "If you want something done, ask a busy person." So, Bob Danner '47 called me. BOB'S BOOKS Bob served on our house corporation board for more than 40 years. Everyone knows the yards and yards of old books that are on the Main House library shelves. Bob is the person who bought them at a flea market in 1946. When Yardley Chittick 1922 organized a house swap, Beta traded its house on Kent Street in Brookline with Simmons College for 119 Bay State Road. We were lucky to move into the Simmons College president's house. The poor Simmons College president had to move into a well-used fraternity house! Those empty bookshelves in the library needed to be filled quickly. ANNIVERSARY OBLIGATIONS Bob asked me to organize Beta Upsilon's 75th anniversary celebration in 1988. He advised I get someone to help while providing the phone number of the company we used to publish the Back Bay Beta. They had our alumni mailing list and could help me with mailings. To invite alumni, we had to send mailings and make home phone calls. Luckily, pledge Brother and close friend Seth Davis '83 agreed to help. We worked hard to organize a comprehensive program including tours of Boston and MIT. We also had a banquet at Top of the Hub at the Prudential Center. We even had a U.S. senator, John Rhodes of Arizona, attend as Beta Theta Pi's national president. GIVING BACK TO BETA The hard work paid off with a successful event. Alumni complimented me on it for years afterward. This very busy guy was hooked. I loved Beta from the moment I visited as a high school senior in fall 1978. I always felt Beta Theta Pi changed my life, but getting to know all the alumni and seeing how much it meant to everyone from every era really energized me. I stayed on as a board member and have served as treasurer, vice president, and president. Alongside a small group of committed volunteers, we kept the Chapter alive through tough times and hosted other celebrations, including our 100th in 2013 after finishing a capital campaign and Main House renovations. The Annex renovations were completed in 2015. We successfully received a new charter in 2019, though COVID provided another challenge while postponing the celebration. TIMES ARE CHANGING It's now more than 36 years since that call from Bob Danner. It is time to begin a transition. I am thrilled that Chris Briere '19 has begun service as our Beta Upsilon Association president. Chris has been an active board member for several years since he graduated. He is committed, thoughtful, creative, and cares deeply for Beta Upsilon. I plan to remain active on the board, helping Chris with the transition. I also plan to stay for as long as you'll have me. Even in a less active role, I want to keep our Chapter successful with your help and support. Chris will also need your ongoing support. We always need more volunteers, so please let me know if you'd like to help. One thing I want to help organize is more micro-volunteer opportunities, such as sharing career advice and mentoring undergraduates. You can do this remotely and at a time that works for you. If you'd like to participate, please email me at Looking forward to the next era of Beta Upsilon success. Yours in _kai_, Mike Feinstein '82 Beta Upsilon Association Vice President From le: Pete Gaston '81, Craig Richards '83, Steve Silberberg '83, Seth Davis '83, Mike Feinstein '82, Dave Bedrosian '81, and Herman Marshall '78 (sitting) serenade Mark Bloomberg '80 and his wife, Val, at their wedding. ey met at a Beta summer recruitment party in 1979. ere was a strong Beta turnout at the recent wedding of Tex "Who is Alan?" Laves '82 to Amy Bauman. Beta Brothers also treated Amy and wedding guests to a rendition of "Beta Sweetheart" as well as our uniquely famous circular cheer.