Iowa Xi Chapter of Phi Kappa Theta at Iowa State University
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FKQ XICLONE PHI KAPPA THETA FRATERNITY n IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY n FALL 2023 M ore than 200 collegiate and alumni brothers from across the U.S. attended the 64th Biennial Convention in Lexington, Kentucky, the weekend of August 4. It was a busy and productive event filled with committee meetings, reports, legislation, debates, votes, and brotherhood. Important Updates Key legislation was approved, including increasing the number of elected trustees to the fraternity board, changing the fiscal year to end on June 30, implementing greater transparency of the annual financial performance of the fraternity, and making several changes to language in the Ritual. Other Highlights Highlights included province meetings and elections, Undergraduate Advisory Committee elections, an exemplification of the Ritual, and the presentation of the Edward R. Solvibile Distinguished Service Award to Kevin Lampe, Western Illinois '83. The Credentials Committee also recognized 29 collegiate chapters and seven alumni chapters as eligible to vote, including the Iowa Xi collegiate and alumni chapters. Congratulations, Dan! Among the many items the supreme body of Phi Kappa Theta approved was the new slate of officers and trustees for the national fraternity. Iowa Xi alumnus Dan Ahern '85, who served on the Foundation Board of Trustees from 2020-23, is one of the newly elected Fraternity trustees. Celebrating 100 Years of Iowa Xi The Convention also approved a resolution recognizing Iowa Xi's upcoming 100th anniversary in 2024, noting that the brothers of Iowa Xi "have preserved the charter and continuously operated the chapter for 100 years" with the support of our local alumni corporations: the Iowa Xi Alumni Chapter, Iowa Xi Building Corporation, and Iowa Xi Foundation. The resolution invited all brothers around the world to congratulate the brothers of Iowa Xi and attend the Centennial Celebration on April 27, 2024. Undergraduate Chapter Recognized The weekend ended on a high note with the awards ceremony, where Iowa Xi Chapter received the Bronze Excellence Award, accepted by brothers Ryan Ellsworth '24 and Kyle Kowalczyk '25. John Vonderhaar '14, Cory Millmier '12, and Patrick Ahern '14 at Homecoming 2022. Excellence in Action Phi Kappa Theta 64th Biennial Convention Iowa Xi's Convention contingent. From left: Foundation Trustee Greg Stolp '84, Foundation Trustee Mike McClellan '88, Alumni Chapter President Cory Millmier '12, Ryan Ellsworth '24, Collegiate Chapter Internal Vice President Kyle Kowalczyk '25, Alumni Chapter Undergraduate Relations Chairman Lawson Townley '20, and Fraternity Trustee Dan Ahern '85. New Alumni Engagement Network T H E P R E S I D E N T S ' A D V I S O R Y C O U N C I L (Continued on page 7) C urrent and former leaders of Iowa Xi are invited to join a new Peer-to-Peer (P2P) engagement network called the Presidents' Advisory Council. Council members' primary purpose will be to maintain connections with brothers from their activation and graduation classes. P2P connections with brothers and personal invitations to remain engaged after college are crucial to our mission of developing servant leaders in all stages of life. The name of the Council is derived from its function to provide advice and feedback from alumni to the three presidents of the Iowa Xi alumni organization. It will also serve as a sounding board, advisory body, and membership communication channel for the boards of the three entities that comprise the Iowa Xi alumni organization: the Alumni Chapter, the Foundation, and the Building Corporation.