Pi Kappa Alpha - Purdue University

Fall 2023 Newsletter

Beta Phi Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at Purdue University

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Scott lived in the house for three years and had great roommates, including Kenny Acton '82, Larry Kindig '82, and Greg Eifert '84, and he met many other interesting and influential people. "Living with a hundred people in a single housing unit taught me patience, respect for others, the ability to work with others, and an appreciation for differing points of view," Scott said. "I believe those lessons have served me well in the practice of law." Scott is a shareholder/director at Clausen Miller P.C., where he has worked for the past 34 years. His practice deals primarily with representing product manufacturers, construction entities, and general tort and commercial litigation. Scott has enjoyed being a lawyer and has been involved in cases with some of the most talented plaintiff and defense lawyers in the country. In his career, Scott has met a broad array of interesting people and has even run into several Beta Phi Pikes around the country. Scott met his wife, Kathy, while they were both at the Krannert School of Management at Purdue. They have three wonderful children, Katie, Meghan, and Michael. The family enjoys returning to Purdue for football and basketball games and campus visits as well as visiting national parks and monuments across the U.S. Scott is grateful for the lifelong friendships he created in PIKE. He and Ed "Cooker" Mackowiak '82 have gone on several backpacking and mountaineering trips together, and Scott enjoys any opportunity to play golf with Cooker, Greg Eifert, Jeff O'Loughlin '83, Ken Acton, and Pete Wieand '83. You can connect with Scott at pritchie@clausen.com. Beta Phi Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 442100 Lawrence, KS 66044-2100 Address Service Requested pikapurdue.org G Purdue Pikes Ö @PurduePikes e @purduepike k Purdue Pikes W hile registration for Friday's golf and dinner closes on September 8, you can still join us for the after-dinner social and activities on Saturday. We look forward to seeing you! SEPTEMBER 29-30 A Great Time to Be a Pike "I really enjoyed fraternity life at the PIKE house and my years at Purdue. While Purdue prepared me academically for my future career plans, the time spent in the fraternity and serving it were all very fulfilling and rewarding." (Continued from page 1) REUNION WEEKEND! REUNION WEEKEND! PIKE PIKE Last Call for Last Call for FRIDAY 1 p.m. Golf Tournament 6:30 p.m. Dinner and Foundation Update 9 p.m. Harry's Chocolate Shop SATURDAY 9:30 a.m. Activities at the Chapter House 3:30 p.m. Kickoff against Illinois GOLF/DINNER REGISTRATION: 2023PIKEGOLF.EVENTBRITE .COM This publication is brought to you by Beta Phi Foundation Inc., 629 N University St., Lafayette, IN 47906-2849.

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