CityView Magazine

August 2023

CityView Magazine - Fayetteville, NC

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THE FASCINATING WORLD OF 910-486-5700 3186 Village Dr., Ste 201, Fayetteville, NC 28304 "IR" "IR" "IR" Interventional Radiologists perform "pinhole surgeries" - minimally invasive, image-guided procedures to diagnose conditions quickly and with remarkable accuracy, allowing them to perform targeted treatments that minimize potential damage to surrounding healthy tissue. IR procedures offer less risk, less pain, and a shorter recovery time than traditional surgeries. Conditions and treatments include: Left to Right: Murali Meka, MD Tirth Patel, MD Osmani Deochand, MD Enlarged Prostate Peripheral Artery Disease Uterine Fibroids Compression Fractures . . . Targeted Cancer Treatment Venous Insufficiency Dialysis Access & Maintenance . . VASCULAR & INTERVENTIONAL SPECIALISTS

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