Desert Messenger

June 21, 2023

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WHAT'S INSIDE 2 Shop Local Scavenger Hunt 3 Cool off at Senior Center 3 Prop 401 3 Independence Day at Park 3 Speed Limit Change 4 Quartzsite Tidbits 5 Monsoon Tips 6 Editorial 7 Letter to the Editor 7 Recall Alert 8 The Salvation Army Update 8 Prostate Screening 8 Museum & Popsicles 9 QES Students of the Month 9 SHOW DATES 2023-24 10 Gardening with Dennis 10 Town Texting 11 Cristobal Retires! 12 Turn Around, Don't Drown 14 BLM Fire Restrictions 14 Council Recap 15 AFCU Grants 16 Pet Safety for July 4th 17 Poi For Seniors 18 AA Meetings 18-19 In Memoriam 19 Handyman License 20 Puzzle Page 21 Portable AC Tips 21 GFWC VisiWen 22 Classifi eds 22 Paul Winer's Cartoon 23 PHOTOS "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" 928-916-4235 June 21, 2023 VOL. 19 # 359 Alwa y s FREE! N�� �� ��� 1 9 t h YEAR! ����� | S������ ���� ������-���� Tesla Supercharger breaks ground June 21 une 21 By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear Quartzsite, AZ - Groundbreaking ceremony was held May 23, 2023 for a massive 88 stall Super- charger Tesla charging station in Quartzsite, Arizo- na. Quartzsite Mayor Norm Simpson, Vice Mayor Lynda Goldberg, Council Members Starr BearCat and Karey Amon attended along with Town Man- ager Jim Ferguson and Town employees. There will be 10-25 crew members working on the project for about 8-10 weeks, with plans to open by September. Construction should be swift as the plans reveal the station will be built using 20 pre- fabricated Supercharger units, each of which con- tain 4 individual stalls, making up the majority of the 88 stalls. The remaining 8 stalls will consist of two pull-through stalls for Tesla vehicles towing a trailer, and an additional 6 individual stalls. There are larger Supercharger stations in Califor- nia, but those have expanded to their current size through additional phases of construction. Since all 88 stalls in Quartzsite will be built at the same time, this will be Tesla's largest single build to date. The new Supercharger will be located at 370 Main Event Lane, behind Terribles station, just off Interstate 10 about half way between Los Angeles and Phoenix. According to the International Energy Agency, the number of electric vehicles on the road is ex- pected to reach 145 million by 2030. That's a huge increase from the roughly 10 million Electric Ve- hicles (EVs) s on the road today. The company recently announced at least 7500 Tesla chargers will become available for non-Tesla EVs by the end of 2024, so the transition to electric cars just got a whole lot easier. According to the company: The Tesla Supercharger is the fastest charging op- tion when you're away from home, allowing you to charge your car up to 200 miles in 15 minutes. Have a Safe & HAPPY 4 TH OF JULY!

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