Theta Xi - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Spring 2023 Newsletter

Alpha Chapter of Theta Xi at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

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ALPHA CHAPTER OF THETA XI SPRING 2023 ALPHABET ALPHA TURNS ALPHA TURNS THE PAGE THE PAGE A lpha's next chapter opens as we springboard from a 15-year rebuilding effort that saw us rally as a brotherhood, celebrate our 150th year of continuous operation, and weather the unforeseen difficulties of COVID and RPI's unfortunate response. Together, we've rebuilt and stabilized our alumni association and active chapter, raised and invested more capital into our home than we thought possible, marked the end to our capital campaign by dedicating a plaque at our recent 159th anniversary celebration, and are closing out our renovations by performing structural repairs to our kitchen this summer. We accomplished more than we believed we could, but less than we truly wanted, so we pause to give thanks for all we achieved together before moving forward to continue our work. LOOKING AHEAD We embarked on a new strategic direction last year and are off to a strong start on our refocused goals of blocking and tackling for day-to- day operations of the actives, alumni association, and house. Your active brothers have been among the most successful on campus over the past few trying years. This school year, Alpha Chapter brought more new members in than any year in our long history. As a brotherhood, we've planted a flag for a 2031 celebration (the 100th anniversary of our house construction), and you'll continue to hear about our new aspirations, which include a large 6294 gathering in 2031, an endowment to help preserve our chapter, and an exterior renovation to restore our house's original luster. RENOVATION PLANS We will soon be pivoting back to our pre-capital campaign cadence. We are developing a priority list of capital projects to support with a return to our annual campaign over the next few years while we plan 2031. It's likely to include finishing out the kitchen rebuild effort, updating and replacing aging equipment, and targeted upgrades and additions. Expect more details in the fall. We welcome any input or suggestions. ALUMNI AT OUR CORE Thank you, again, for your tremendous support. We could not have accomplished any of this without your help. Please consider continuing and closing out any remaining capital campaign pledges. All donations will be used to improve our chapter home. Any additional donations will count toward our annual fund for 2023-24. Yours in the Bonds, David Fowkes '89 (A1275) P.S. I look forward to seeing you in Troy on April 27, 2024, for next year's 6294! Active and alumni brothers at our 6294 celebration. Our newly installed plaque celebrates those who helped make our capital campaign a success. The Next Steps for Our Brotherhood

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