Desert Messenger

April 19, 2023

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WHAT'S INSIDE 2 AWC New VP 3 ADEQ Cleanup at Pilot 4 Quartzsite Tidbits 5 Pavement Preservation Schedule 5 Small Business Academy 6 Editorial 7 Museum Musings 8 The Salvation Army Update 8 Food Bank Updates 9 QES Students of the Month 9 SHOW DATES 2023-24 9 Arbor Day 10 Gardening with Dennis 10 Town Texting 11 Quartzsite Rocks! 12 WACOG 13 Salome Student wins 14 Sonora Quest Lab schedule 15 Council Budget 16 Scorpion Weed 17 Walk in the Past recap 18 AARP Fraud Alert 18 Nancy's Kitchen 18 AA Meetings 19 In Memoriam 19 Blood Drive 20 Puzzle Page 21 Lost Dog 21 Healthy Living 22 Classifi eds 22 Paul Winer's Cartoon 23 PHOTOS "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" 928-916-4235 April 19, 2023 VOL. 19 # 357 Alwa y s FREE! N�� �� ��� 1 9 t h YEAR! ����� | S������ ���� ������-���� Denim N Dust 4-H members honored at Council meeting April 1 April 1 By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear At the March 28, 2023 Town Council meet- ing Quartzsite's Denim 'N Dust 4-H members were honored for receiving so many awards at the La Paz County Fair in March. Vice Mayor Lynda Goldberg welcomed the group saying, "The 4-H members did such a great job at the County Fair and we are so proud of them. We brought in the 4-H members to display their ribbons, buckles, and projects." Nancy Nichols of Quartzsite Improvement As- sociation (QIA) presented a check for $500 to the club. She said, "It's exciting to see you all here and good job! Thank you for all your hard work!" Quartzsite Police Chief Clay Romo said, "I've spent many years participating in 4-H. The club here in Quartzsite represents the town very well. There were a lot of local businesses that spon- sored some of the awards for the Round Robin. Quartzsite stepped up to the plate to present awards. Lieutenant Burnett and I wanted to do something different. During Buck Connors Western Days we participated and barbecued 96 pounds of meat. We raised $1,158 for the Denim N Dust 4-H and Dave Barber. Next year we plan on raising more!" Vice Mayor Goldberg closed by stating that she is hoping some of our 4-H members will be seated as council members in the future! Mayor Norm Simpson announced to the pub- lic, "Ladies and gentleman, you are looking at our present and our future!"

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