Beta Theta Pi - University of Wisconsin

Spring 2023 Newsletter

Alpha Pi Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at the University of Wisconsin

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5 ALPHA PI CHAPTER BETAS ABROAD Alpha Pi brothers take a break from their studies abroad to reunite for a weekend overseas. From left: Daniel Kjeldsen '24, Ethan Zoland '24, Jackson Jedlicka '24, Connor Mallahan '24, and Eric Elgaard '24 visit King John's Castle in Limerick, Ireland. From left: Josh Etzel '24, Charlie Klafeta '24, and Charlie Klimpel '24 at King John's Castle. From left: Henry Brooks '24, Rob Michaelson '24, Charlie Wied '24, and Mark Shults '24 visit a palace in Madrid. From left: Tommy Gibney '24, Henry Brooks '24, Charlie Wied '24, and Mark Shults '24 on a skiing trip in Andorra. From left: Rob Michaelson '24, Mark Shults '24, Reiv Mohammadi '23, Tommy Gibney '24, Henry Brooks '24, Liam Dillon '24, and Charlie Wied '24 at an FC Barcelona game in Spain.

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