CityView Magazine

March 2023

CityView Magazine - Fayetteville, NC

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NIGHT OUT PR ESENTS CIT Y VIEW M AGAZINE'S SIP. SHOP. SAMPLE. REPEAT! Proceeds benefitting CEED – The Center for Economic Empowerment & Development EARLY BIRD TICKETS ON SALE NOW! SILENT AUCTION PROCEEDS BENEFIT CITYVIEW NEWS FUND Join us as Cape Fear Valley Health presents CityView Media's third annual Ladies Night Out April 20 at the Carolina Barn at McCormick Farms. You and your besties are invited for a fun evening of food, wine and entertainment. We'll have vendors for shopping, music, a silent auction and demonstrations. YOUR $35 EARLY BIRD TICKET INCLUDES YOUR $35 EARLY BIRD TICKET INCLUDES • Entry into the event • Food samplings from local eateries • Two drink tickets • One raffle ticket into our prize drawing • Early bird pricing ends March 15 AUDIO/VISUAL SPONSOR ALCOHOL SPONSOR FLORAL SPONSOR PHOTOBOOTH SPONSOR PLATINUM SPONSORS GOLD SPONSORS SILVER SPONSOR Your Diamond Store Since 1955 FAYETTEVILLE WELLNESS CENTER

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